Report generated on 07-Dec-2022 at 23:37:30 by pytest-html v3.1.1
CI | true |
JAVA_HOME | /usr/lib/jvm/temurin-11-jdk-amd64 |
Packages | {"pluggy": "1.0.0", "pytest": "7.2.0"} |
Platform | Linux-5.15.0-1023-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 |
Plugins | {"html": "3.1.1", "metadata": "2.0.4"} |
Python | 3.11.0 |
59 tests ran in 0.37 seconds.
(Un)check the boxes to filter the results.
59 passed, 0 skipped, 0 failed, 0 errors, 0 expected failures, 0 unexpected passesResult | Test | Duration | Links |
No results found. Try to check the filters | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.01 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT country FROM Customer GROUP BY country; ('country',) ('Germany',) ('Mexico',) ('UK',) ('Sweden',) ('France',) ('Spain',) ('Canada',) ('Argentina',) ('Switzerland',) ('Brazil',) ('Austria',) ('Italy',) ('Portugal',) ('USA',) ('Venezuela',) ('Ireland',) ('Belgium',) ('Norway',) ('Denmark',) ('Finland',) ('Poland',) Size: 21 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT title FROM Employee GROUP BY title; ('title',) ('CEO',) ('Vice President, Sales',) ('Sales Manager',) ('Sales Representative',) Size: 4 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS occurrence FROM Customer GROUP BY country ORDER BY occurrence DESC, country DESC; ('country', 'occurrence') ('USA', 13) ('Germany', 11) ('France', 11) ('Brazil', 9) ('UK', 7) ('Spain', 5) ('Mexico', 5) ('Venezuela', 4) ('Italy', 3) ('Canada', 3) ('Argentina', 3) ('Switzerland', 2) ('Sweden', 2) ('Portugal', 2) ('Finland', 2) ('Denmark', 2) ('Belgium', 2) ('Austria', 2) ('Poland', 1) ('Norway', 1) ('Ireland', 1) Size: 21 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT Product.productName, COUNT(*) AS occurrence FROM OrderDetail JOIN Product ON Product.productId = OrderDetail.productId GROUP BY Product.productName ORDER BY occurrence DESC, productName DESC; ('productName', 'occurrence') ('Product UKXRI', 54) ('Product XWOXC', 51) ('Product WHBYK', 51) ('Product QOGNU', 51) ('Product VKCMF', 50) ('Product WUXYK', 48) ('Product TTEEX', 47) ('Product BWRLG', 46) ('Product RECZE', 44) ('Product PAFRH', 43) ('Product MYMOI', 42) ('Product YZIXQ', 41) ('Product POXFU', 40) ('Product VJZZH', 39) ('Product TOONT', 39) ('Product JYGFE', 39) ('Product APITJ', 39) ('Product QMVUN', 38) ('Product LUNZZ', 38) ('Product HHYDP', 38) ('Product GEEOO', 38) ('Product XKXDO', 37) ('Product BLCAX', 37) ('Product QAQRL', 36) ('Product NEVTJ', 36) ('Product TBTBL', 34) ('Product YYWRT', 33) ('Product YHXGE', 33) ('Product OFBNT', 33) ('Product XYWBZ', 32) ('Product VJXYN', 32) ('Product LYERX', 32) ('Product HLGZA', 32) ('Product ASTMN', 32) ('Product GMKIJ', 31) ('Product COAXA', 31) ('Product RJVNM', 30) ('Product LSOFL', 30) ('Product HCQDE', 30) ('Product BKGEA', 30) ('Product QSRXF', 29) ('Product HMLNI', 29) ('Product ZZZHR', 28) ('Product CKEDC', 27) ('Product CBRRL', 27) ('Product XYZPE', 24) ('Product VJIEO', 24) ('Product QDOMO', 24) ('Product OVLQI', 23) ('Product PWCJB', 22) ('Product FPYPN', 21) ('Product EZZPR', 21) ('Product KSBRM', 20) ('Product JLUDZ', 20) ('Product SWNJY', 19) ('Product LYLNI', 18) ('Product ACRVI', 18) ('Product ICKNK', 17) ('Product QHFFP', 16) ('Product NUNAW', 15) ('Product WEUJZ', 14) ('Product OSFNS', 14) ('Product CPHFY', 14) ('Product AQOKR', 14) ('Product WVJFP', 13) ('Product BKAZJ', 13) ('Product VAIIV', 12) ('Product IMEHJ', 12) ('Product XLXQF', 10) ('Product EPEIM', 10) ('Product BIUDV', 10) ('Product SMIOH', 9) ('Product LQMGN', 8) ('Product MYNXN', 6) ('Product KSZOI', 6) ('Product EVFFA', 6) ('Product AOZBW', 5) Size: 77 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName, AVG(OrderDetail.unitPrice) AS avgPrice FROM OrderDetail JOIN Product Product USING (productId) GROUP BY productName ORDER BY avgPrice DESC, productName DESC; ('productName', 'avgPrice') ('Product QDOMO', Decimal('245.933333')) ('Product VJXYN', Decimal('116.043125')) ('Product AOZBW', Decimal('93.120000')) ('Product QHFFP', Decimal('75.937500')) ('Product CKEDC', Decimal('59.722222')) ('Product UKXRI', Decimal('51.129630')) ('Product APITJ', Decimal('50.553846')) ('Product WUXYK', Decimal('46.412500')) ('Product ZZZHR', Decimal('43.042857')) ('Product OFBNT', Decimal('41.975758')) ('Product SMIOH', Decimal('40.966667')) ('Product ICKNK', Decimal('40.794118')) ('Product WVJFP', Decimal('38.769231')) ('Product OSFNS', Decimal('36.914286')) ('Product BLCAX', Decimal('36.470270')) ('Product VKCMF', Decimal('35.416000')) ('Product COAXA', Decimal('33.445161')) ('Product WHBYK', Decimal('32.133333')) ('Product GEEOO', Decimal('32.036842')) ('Product HCQDE', Decimal('31.033333')) ('Product NUNAW', Decimal('30.720000')) ('Product BKGEA', Decimal('30.160000')) ('Product YHXGE', Decimal('29.684848')) ('Product HMLNI', Decimal('29.172414')) ('Product HLGZA', Decimal('28.856250')) ('Product XYZPE', Decimal('27.787500')) ('Product LYERX', Decimal('24.268125')) ('Product VAIIV', Decimal('24.166667')) ('Product EVFFA', Decimal('23.400000')) ('Product YYWRT', Decimal('22.400000')) ('Product PWCJB', Decimal('21.347727')) ('Product KSBRM', Decimal('20.680000')) ('Product CPHFY', Decimal('20.400000')) ('Product MYMOI', Decimal('19.759524')) ('Product EPEIM', Decimal('19.610000')) ('Product QMVUN', Decimal('19.600000')) ('Product XYWBZ', Decimal('19.456250')) ('Product FPYPN', Decimal('18.476190')) ('Product OVLQI', Decimal('18.143478')) ('Product VJIEO', Decimal('18.133333')) ('Product GMKIJ', Decimal('17.896774')) ('Product RECZE', Decimal('17.877273')) ('Product YZIXQ', Decimal('17.226829')) ('Product HHYDP', Decimal('17.147368')) ('Product NEVTJ', Decimal('17.000000')) ('Product JYGFE', Decimal('16.984615')) ('Product LSOFL', Decimal('16.680000')) ('Product PAFRH', Decimal('16.376744')) ('Product LQMGN', Decimal('15.300000')) ('Product BIUDV', Decimal('14.950000')) ('Product KSZOI', Decimal('14.466667')) ('Product WEUJZ', Decimal('14.357143')) ('Product TOONT', Decimal('14.153846')) ('Product XLXQF', Decimal('13.720000')) ('Product RJVNM', Decimal('13.206667')) ('Product LYLNI', Decimal('13.066667')) ('Product SWNJY', Decimal('12.968421')) ('Product ACRVI', Decimal('12.661111')) ('Product LUNZZ', Decimal('12.110526')) ('Product MYNXN', Decimal('11.900000')) ('Product XWOXC', Decimal('11.666667')) ('Product TBTBL', Decimal('11.544118')) ('Product CBRRL', Decimal('11.111111')) ('Product IMEHJ', Decimal('9.500000')) ('Product VJZZH', Decimal('9.384615')) ('Product AQOKR', Decimal('9.228571')) ('Product TTEEX', Decimal('9.193617')) ('Product EZZPR', Decimal('9.138095')) ('Product BKAZJ', Decimal('8.769231')) ('Product XKXDO', Decimal('8.532432')) ('Product JLUDZ', Decimal('8.370000')) ('Product BWRLG', Decimal('7.379348')) ('Product QAQRL', Decimal('6.804167')) ('Product QSRXF', Decimal('6.758621')) ('Product POXFU', Decimal('5.760000')) ('Product QOGNU', Decimal('4.235294')) ('Product ASTMN', Decimal('2.328125')) Size: 77 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName, AVG( AS avgDiscount FROM OrderDetail JOIN Product Product USING (productId) GROUP BY productName ORDER BY avgDiscount DESC, productName DESC; ('productName', 'avgDiscount') ('Product MYNXN', Decimal('0.108333')) ('Product RECZE', Decimal('0.102273')) ('Product AOZBW', Decimal('0.100000')) ('Product ACRVI', Decimal('0.100000')) ('Product LYLNI', Decimal('0.086111')) ('Product LYERX', Decimal('0.081250')) ('Product CKEDC', Decimal('0.079630')) ('Product GMKIJ', Decimal('0.079032')) ('Product HHYDP', Decimal('0.077632')) ('Product YYWRT', Decimal('0.077273')) ('Product KSBRM', Decimal('0.075000')) ('Product EPEIM', Decimal('0.075000')) ('Product AQOKR', Decimal('0.075000')) ('Product COAXA', Decimal('0.074194')) ('Product EZZPR', Decimal('0.073810')) ('Product NUNAW', Decimal('0.073333')) ('Product QAQRL', Decimal('0.072222')) ('Product XYZPE', Decimal('0.070833')) ('Product PWCJB', Decimal('0.067273')) ('Product PAFRH', Decimal('0.066977')) ('Product LSOFL', Decimal('0.066667')) ('Product WVJFP', Decimal('0.065385')) ('Product OSFNS', Decimal('0.064286')) ('Product VJXYN', Decimal('0.064063')) ('Product WHBYK', Decimal('0.063922')) ('Product CBRRL', Decimal('0.063704')) ('Product TOONT', Decimal('0.062821')) ('Product XWOXC', Decimal('0.062745')) ('Product BLCAX', Decimal('0.062162')) ('Product VKCMF', Decimal('0.062000')) ('Product VJIEO', Decimal('0.060417')) ('Product XLXQF', Decimal('0.060000')) ('Product TBTBL', Decimal('0.058824')) ('Product QOGNU', Decimal('0.056863')) ('Product QMVUN', Decimal('0.056579')) ('Product VJZZH', Decimal('0.056410')) ('Product XKXDO', Decimal('0.055405')) ('Product RJVNM', Decimal('0.055000')) ('Product WUXYK', Decimal('0.054167')) ('Product JYGFE', Decimal('0.052564')) ('Product BWRLG', Decimal('0.052174')) ('Product HLGZA', Decimal('0.051563')) ('Product LUNZZ', Decimal('0.051316')) ('Product APITJ', Decimal('0.051282')) ('Product YZIXQ', Decimal('0.051220')) ('Product ZZZHR', Decimal('0.050000')) ('Product SWNJY', Decimal('0.050000')) ('Product EVFFA', Decimal('0.050000')) ('Product BKAZJ', Decimal('0.050000')) ('Product XYWBZ', Decimal('0.048438')) ('Product UKXRI', Decimal('0.047222')) ('Product NEVTJ', Decimal('0.047222')) ('Product WEUJZ', Decimal('0.047143')) ('Product QHFFP', Decimal('0.046250')) ('Product QDOMO', Decimal('0.045833')) ('Product YHXGE', Decimal('0.043939')) ('Product ASTMN', Decimal('0.043750')) ('Product MYMOI', Decimal('0.042857')) ('Product POXFU', Decimal('0.042500')) ('Product QSRXF', Decimal('0.041379')) ('Product ICKNK', Decimal('0.041176')) ('Product HCQDE', Decimal('0.041000')) ('Product TTEEX', Decimal('0.040426')) ('Product BKGEA', Decimal('0.038333')) ('Product OFBNT', Decimal('0.037879')) ('Product JLUDZ', Decimal('0.037500')) ('Product LQMGN', Decimal('0.031250')) ('Product FPYPN', Decimal('0.030952')) ('Product VAIIV', Decimal('0.030833')) ('Product OVLQI', Decimal('0.028261')) ('Product SMIOH', Decimal('0.027778')) ('Product HMLNI', Decimal('0.027586')) ('Product BIUDV', Decimal('0.025000')) ('Product GEEOO', Decimal('0.023684')) ('Product CPHFY', Decimal('0.021429')) ('Product KSZOI', Decimal('0.016667')) ('Product IMEHJ', Decimal('0.016667')) Size: 77 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName, SUM(OrderDetail.unitPrice * OrderDetail.quantity) AS totalPrice FROM OrderDetail JOIN Product Product USING (productId) GROUP BY productName ORDER BY totalPrice DESC, productName DESC; ('productName', 'totalPrice') ('Product QDOMO', Decimal('149984.20')) ('Product VJXYN', Decimal('87736.40')) ('Product UKXRI', Decimal('76296.00')) ('Product WHBYK', Decimal('50286.00')) ('Product WUXYK', Decimal('49827.90')) ('Product VKCMF', Decimal('45121.20')) ('Product APITJ', Decimal('44742.60')) ('Product BLCAX', Decimal('35482.20')) ('Product CKEDC', Decimal('31987.50')) ('Product OFBNT', Decimal('26865.60')) ('Product GEEOO', Decimal('25738.80')) ('Product ZZZHR', Decimal('25079.20')) ('Product COAXA', Decimal('24307.20')) ('Product QHFFP', Decimal('23635.80')) ('Product HCQDE', Decimal('23009.00')) ('Product HMLNI', Decimal('22464.00')) ('Product YHXGE', Decimal('22140.20')) ('Product HLGZA', Decimal('21534.90')) ('Product BKGEA', Decimal('21510.20')) ('Product MYMOI', Decimal('20876.50')) ('Product YYWRT', Decimal('19512.00')) ('Product YZIXQ', Decimal('19048.30')) ('Product PAFRH', Decimal('18748.05')) ('Product RECZE', Decimal('18559.20')) ('Product ICKNK', Decimal('17696.30')) ('Product JYGFE', Decimal('16794.00')) ('Product XYZPE', Decimal('16438.80')) ('Product XWOXC', Decimal('16172.50')) ('Product SMIOH', Decimal('15231.50')) ('Product LYERX', Decimal('14775.54')) ('Product XYWBZ', Decimal('14607.00')) ('Product GMKIJ', Decimal('14542.60')) ('Product NEVTJ', Decimal('14536.80')) ('Product HHYDP', Decimal('14277.60')) ('Product QMVUN', Decimal('13902.00')) ('Product WVJFP', Decimal('13760.00')) ('Product LSOFL', Decimal('13150.80')) ('Product OSFNS', Decimal('12866.80')) ('Product TOONT', Decimal('11472.00')) ('Product VJIEO', Decimal('10524.20')) ('Product LUNZZ', Decimal('9685.00')) ('Product VJZZH', Decimal('9636.00')) ('Product FPYPN', Decimal('9500.00')) ('Product KSBRM', Decimal('9424.80')) ('Product TBTBL', Decimal('9362.50')) ('Product RJVNM', Decimal('9332.40')) ('Product NUNAW', Decimal('9171.20')) ('Product TTEEX', Decimal('9098.10')) ('Product AOZBW', Decimal('8827.00')) ('Product BWRLG', Decimal('8650.55')) ('Product PWCJB', Decimal('8630.40')) ('Product OVLQI', Decimal('7807.80')) ('Product VAIIV', Decimal('7345.00')) ('Product CPHFY', Decimal('7232.40')) ('Product SWNJY', Decimal('6678.00')) ('Product ACRVI', Decimal('6664.75')) ('Product XKXDO', Decimal('6159.50')) ('Product CBRRL', Decimal('6144.00')) ('Product EPEIM', Decimal('5801.15')) ('Product POXFU', Decimal('5234.40')) ('Product QAQRL', Decimal('5121.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', Decimal('4840.20')) ('Product QOGNU', Decimal('4782.60')) ('Product AQOKR', Decimal('4740.50')) ('Product EZZPR', Decimal('4358.60')) ('Product WEUJZ', Decimal('4200.00')) ('Product LYLNI', Decimal('4051.60')) ('Product LQMGN', Decimal('3519.00')) ('Product BIUDV', Decimal('3510.00')) ('Product QSRXF', Decimal('3383.80')) ('Product IMEHJ', Decimal('3080.00')) ('Product EVFFA', Decimal('3047.20')) ('Product BKAZJ', Decimal('2566.00')) ('Product XLXQF', Decimal('2562.00')) ('Product KSZOI', Decimal('1813.50')) ('Product ASTMN', Decimal('1713.50')) ('Product MYNXN', Decimal('1542.75')) Size: 77 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName, SUM(OrderDetail.quantity) AS totalQuantity FROM OrderDetail JOIN Product Product USING (productId) GROUP BY productName ORDER BY totalQuantity DESC, productName DESC; ('productName', 'totalQuantity') ('Product WHBYK', Decimal('1577')) ('Product UKXRI', Decimal('1496')) ('Product XWOXC', Decimal('1397')) ('Product VKCMF', Decimal('1263')) ('Product PAFRH', Decimal('1158')) ('Product BWRLG', Decimal('1155')) ('Product QOGNU', Decimal('1125')) ('Product YZIXQ', Decimal('1103')) ('Product WUXYK', Decimal('1083')) ('Product RECZE', Decimal('1057')) ('Product MYMOI', Decimal('1057')) ('Product VJZZH', Decimal('1016')) ('Product TTEEX', Decimal('981')) ('Product JYGFE', Decimal('981')) ('Product BLCAX', Decimal('978')) ('Product YYWRT', Decimal('903')) ('Product POXFU', Decimal('891')) ('Product APITJ', Decimal('886')) ('Product NEVTJ', Decimal('883')) ('Product HHYDP', Decimal('828')) ('Product TOONT', Decimal('817')) ('Product GEEOO', Decimal('806')) ('Product GMKIJ', Decimal('805')) ('Product TBTBL', Decimal('799')) ('Product LSOFL', Decimal('793')) ('Product LUNZZ', Decimal('791')) ('Product HMLNI', Decimal('763')) ('Product QAQRL', Decimal('755')) ('Product ASTMN', Decimal('755')) ('Product HLGZA', Decimal('753')) ('Product VJXYN', Decimal('746')) ('Product XYWBZ', Decimal('745')) ('Product YHXGE', Decimal('742')) ('Product HCQDE', Decimal('740')) ('Product XKXDO', Decimal('723')) ('Product BKGEA', Decimal('722')) ('Product COAXA', Decimal('714')) ('Product QMVUN', Decimal('706')) ('Product RJVNM', Decimal('697')) ('Product OFBNT', Decimal('640')) ('Product QDOMO', Decimal('623')) ('Product LYERX', Decimal('612')) ('Product XYZPE', Decimal('603')) ('Product VJIEO', Decimal('601')) ('Product ZZZHR', Decimal('580')) ('Product JLUDZ', Decimal('580')) ('Product CBRRL', Decimal('548')) ('Product CKEDC', Decimal('539')) ('Product ACRVI', Decimal('534')) ('Product FPYPN', Decimal('520')) ('Product AQOKR', Decimal('508')) ('Product SWNJY', Decimal('506')) ('Product QSRXF', Decimal('500')) ('Product EZZPR', Decimal('485')) ('Product KSBRM', Decimal('453')) ('Product ICKNK', Decimal('445')) ('Product OVLQI', Decimal('434')) ('Product PWCJB', Decimal('404')) ('Product WVJFP', Decimal('372')) ('Product SMIOH', Decimal('365')) ('Product CPHFY', Decimal('348')) ('Product OSFNS', Decimal('344')) ('Product IMEHJ', Decimal('328')) ('Product LYLNI', Decimal('318')) ('Product QHFFP', Decimal('313')) ('Product VAIIV', Decimal('301')) ('Product EPEIM', Decimal('298')) ('Product NUNAW', Decimal('297')) ('Product BKAZJ', Decimal('297')) ('Product WEUJZ', Decimal('293')) ('Product LQMGN', Decimal('239')) ('Product BIUDV', Decimal('235')) ('Product XLXQF', Decimal('184')) ('Product MYNXN', Decimal('138')) ('Product EVFFA', Decimal('125')) ('Product KSZOI', Decimal('122')) ('Product AOZBW', Decimal('95')) Size: 77 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT MIN(unitPrice) AS lowestPrice FROM Product; ('lowestPrice',) (Decimal('2.50'),) Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT MAX(unitPrice) AS highestPrice FROM Product; ('highestPrice',) (Decimal('263.50'),) Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.01 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT orderId, MAX(freight) FROM SalesOrder GROUP BY orderId; ('orderId', 'MAX(freight)') (10248, Decimal('32.38')) (10249, Decimal('11.61')) (10250, Decimal('65.83')) (10251, Decimal('41.34')) (10252, Decimal('51.30')) (10253, Decimal('58.17')) (10254, Decimal('22.98')) (10255, Decimal('148.33')) (10256, Decimal('13.97')) (10257, Decimal('81.91')) (10258, Decimal('140.51')) (10259, Decimal('3.25')) (10260, Decimal('55.09')) (10261, Decimal('3.05')) (10262, Decimal('48.29')) (10263, Decimal('146.06')) (10264, Decimal('3.67')) (10265, Decimal('55.28')) (10266, Decimal('25.73')) (10267, Decimal('208.58')) (10268, Decimal('66.29')) (10269, Decimal('4.56')) (10270, Decimal('136.54')) (10271, Decimal('4.54')) (10272, Decimal('98.03')) (10273, Decimal('76.07')) (10274, Decimal('6.01')) (10275, Decimal('26.93')) (10276, Decimal('13.84')) (10277, Decimal('125.77')) (10278, Decimal('92.69')) (10279, Decimal('25.83')) (10280, Decimal('8.98')) (10281, Decimal('2.94')) (10282, Decimal('12.69')) (10283, Decimal('84.81')) (10284, Decimal('76.56')) (10285, Decimal('76.83')) (10286, Decimal('229.24')) (10287, Decimal('12.76')) (10288, Decimal('7.45')) (10289, Decimal('22.77')) (10290, Decimal('79.70')) (10291, Decimal('6.40')) (10292, Decimal('1.35')) (10293, Decimal('21.18')) (10294, Decimal('147.26')) (10295, Decimal('1.15')) (10296, Decimal('0.12')) (10297, Decimal('5.74')) (10298, Decimal('168.22')) (10299, Decimal('29.76')) (10300, Decimal('17.68')) (10301, Decimal('45.08')) (10302, Decimal('6.27')) (10303, Decimal('107.83')) (10304, Decimal('63.79')) (10305, Decimal('257.62')) (10306, Decimal('7.56')) (10307, Decimal('0.56')) (10308, Decimal('1.61')) (10309, Decimal('47.30')) (10310, Decimal('17.52')) (10311, Decimal('24.69')) (10312, Decimal('40.26')) (10313, Decimal('1.96')) (10314, Decimal('74.16')) (10315, Decimal('41.76')) (10316, Decimal('150.15')) (10317, Decimal('12.69')) (10318, Decimal('4.73')) (10319, Decimal('64.50')) (10320, Decimal('34.57')) (10321, Decimal('3.43')) (10322, Decimal('0.40')) (10323, Decimal('4.88')) (10324, Decimal('214.27')) (10325, Decimal('64.86')) (10326, Decimal('77.92')) (10327, Decimal('63.36')) (10328, Decimal('87.03')) (10329, Decimal('191.67')) (10330, Decimal('12.75')) (10331, Decimal('10.19')) (10332, Decimal('52.84')) (10333, Decimal('0.59')) (10334, Decimal('8.56')) (10335, Decimal('42.11')) (10336, Decimal('15.51')) (10337, Decimal('108.26')) (10338, Decimal('84.21')) (10339, Decimal('15.66')) (10340, Decimal('166.31')) (10341, Decimal('26.78')) (10342, Decimal('54.83')) (10343, Decimal('110.37')) (10344, Decimal('23.29')) (10345, Decimal('249.06')) (10346, Decimal('142.08')) (10347, Decimal('3.10')) (10348, Decimal('0.78')) (10349, Decimal('8.63')) (10350, Decimal('64.19')) (10351, Decimal('162.33')) (10352, Decimal('1.30')) (10353, Decimal('360.63')) (10354, Decimal('53.80')) (10355, Decimal('41.95')) (10356, Decimal('36.71')) (10357, Decimal('34.88')) (10358, Decimal('19.64')) (10359, Decimal('288.43')) (10360, Decimal('131.70')) (10361, Decimal('183.17')) (10362, Decimal('96.04')) (10363, Decimal('30.54')) (10364, Decimal('71.97')) (10365, Decimal('22.00')) (10366, Decimal('10.14')) (10367, Decimal('13.55')) (10368, Decimal('101.95')) (10369, Decimal('195.68')) (10370, Decimal('1.17')) (10371, Decimal('0.45')) (10372, Decimal('890.78')) (10373, Decimal('124.12')) (10374, Decimal('3.94')) (10375, Decimal('20.12')) (10376, Decimal('20.39')) (10377, Decimal('22.21')) (10378, Decimal('5.44')) (10379, Decimal('45.03')) (10380, Decimal('35.03')) (10381, Decimal('7.99')) (10382, Decimal('94.77')) (10383, Decimal('34.24')) (10384, Decimal('168.64')) (10385, Decimal('30.96')) (10386, Decimal('13.99')) (10387, Decimal('93.63')) (10388, Decimal('34.86')) (10389, Decimal('47.42')) (10390, Decimal('126.38')) (10391, Decimal('5.45')) (10392, Decimal('122.46')) (10393, Decimal('126.56')) (10394, Decimal('30.34')) (10395, Decimal('184.41')) (10396, Decimal('135.35')) (10397, Decimal('60.26')) (10398, Decimal('89.16')) (10399, Decimal('27.36')) (10400, Decimal('83.93')) (10401, Decimal('12.51')) (10402, Decimal('67.88')) (10403, Decimal('73.79')) (10404, Decimal('155.97')) (10405, Decimal('34.82')) (10406, Decimal('108.04')) (10407, Decimal('91.48')) (10408, Decimal('11.26')) (10409, Decimal('29.83')) (10410, Decimal('2.40')) (10411, Decimal('23.65')) (10412, Decimal('3.77')) (10413, Decimal('95.66')) (10414, Decimal('21.48')) (10415, Decimal('0.20')) (10416, Decimal('22.72')) (10417, Decimal('70.29')) (10418, Decimal('17.55')) (10419, Decimal('137.35')) (10420, Decimal('44.12')) (10421, Decimal('99.23')) (10422, Decimal('3.02')) (10423, Decimal('24.50')) (10424, Decimal('370.61')) (10425, Decimal('7.93')) (10426, Decimal('18.69')) (10427, Decimal('31.29')) (10428, Decimal('11.09')) (10429, Decimal('56.63')) (10430, Decimal('458.78')) (10431, Decimal('44.17')) (10432, Decimal('4.34')) (10433, Decimal('73.83')) (10434, Decimal('17.92')) (10435, Decimal('9.21')) (10436, Decimal('156.66')) (10437, Decimal('19.97')) (10438, Decimal('8.24')) (10439, Decimal('4.07')) (10440, Decimal('86.53')) (10441, Decimal('73.02')) (10442, Decimal('47.94')) (10443, Decimal('13.95')) (10444, Decimal('3.50')) (10445, Decimal('9.30')) (10446, Decimal('14.68')) (10447, Decimal('68.66')) (10448, Decimal('38.82')) (10449, Decimal('53.30')) (10450, Decimal('7.23')) (10451, Decimal('189.09')) (10452, Decimal('140.26')) (10453, Decimal('25.36')) (10454, Decimal('2.74')) (10455, Decimal('180.45')) (10456, Decimal('8.12')) (10457, Decimal('11.57')) (10458, Decimal('147.06')) (10459, Decimal('25.09')) (10460, Decimal('16.27')) (10461, Decimal('148.61')) (10462, Decimal('6.17')) (10463, Decimal('14.78')) (10464, Decimal('89.00')) (10465, Decimal('145.04')) (10466, Decimal('11.93')) (10467, Decimal('4.93')) (10468, Decimal('44.12')) (10469, Decimal('60.18')) (10470, Decimal('64.56')) (10471, Decimal('45.59')) (10472, Decimal('4.20')) (10473, Decimal('16.37')) (10474, Decimal('83.49')) (10475, Decimal('68.52')) (10476, Decimal('4.41')) (10477, Decimal('13.02')) (10478, Decimal('4.81')) (10479, Decimal('708.95')) (10480, Decimal('1.35')) (10481, Decimal('64.33')) (10482, Decimal('7.48')) (10483, Decimal('15.28')) (10484, Decimal('6.88')) (10485, Decimal('64.45')) (10486, Decimal('30.53')) (10487, Decimal('71.07')) (10488, Decimal('4.93')) (10489, Decimal('5.29')) (10490, Decimal('210.19')) (10491, Decimal('16.96')) (10492, Decimal('62.89')) (10493, Decimal('10.64')) (10494, Decimal('65.99')) (10495, Decimal('4.65')) (10496, Decimal('46.77')) (10497, Decimal('36.21')) (10498, Decimal('29.75')) (10499, Decimal('102.02')) (10500, Decimal('42.68')) (10501, Decimal('8.85')) (10502, Decimal('69.32')) (10503, Decimal('16.74')) (10504, Decimal('59.13')) (10505, Decimal('7.13')) (10506, Decimal('21.19')) (10507, Decimal('47.45')) (10508, Decimal('4.99')) (10509, Decimal('0.15')) (10510, Decimal('367.63')) (10511, Decimal('350.64')) (10512, Decimal('3.53')) (10513, Decimal('105.65')) (10514, Decimal('789.95')) (10515, Decimal('204.47')) (10516, Decimal('62.78')) (10517, Decimal('32.07')) (10518, Decimal('218.15')) (10519, Decimal('91.76')) (10520, Decimal('13.37')) (10521, Decimal('17.22')) (10522, Decimal('45.33')) (10523, Decimal('77.63')) (10524, Decimal('244.79')) (10525, Decimal('11.06')) (10526, Decimal('58.59')) (10527, Decimal('41.90')) (10528, Decimal('3.35')) (10529, Decimal('66.69')) (10530, Decimal('339.22')) (10531, Decimal('8.12')) (10532, Decimal('74.46')) (10533, Decimal('188.04')) (10534, Decimal('27.94')) (10535, Decimal('15.64')) (10536, Decimal('58.88')) (10537, Decimal('78.85')) (10538, Decimal('4.87')) (10539, Decimal('12.36')) (10540, Decimal('1007.64')) (10541, Decimal('68.65')) (10542, Decimal('10.95')) (10543, Decimal('48.17')) (10544, Decimal('24.91')) (10545, Decimal('11.92')) (10546, Decimal('194.72')) (10547, Decimal('178.43')) (10548, Decimal('1.43')) (10549, Decimal('171.24')) (10550, Decimal('4.32')) (10551, Decimal('72.95')) (10552, Decimal('83.22')) (10553, Decimal('149.49')) (10554, Decimal('120.97')) (10555, Decimal('252.49')) (10556, Decimal('9.80')) (10557, Decimal('96.72')) (10558, Decimal('72.97')) (10559, Decimal('8.05')) (10560, Decimal('36.65')) (10561, Decimal('242.21')) (10562, Decimal('22.95')) (10563, Decimal('60.43')) (10564, Decimal('13.75')) (10565, Decimal('7.15')) (10566, Decimal('88.40')) (10567, Decimal('33.97')) (10568, Decimal('6.54')) (10569, Decimal('58.98')) (10570, Decimal('188.99')) (10571, Decimal('26.06')) (10572, Decimal('116.43')) (10573, Decimal('84.84')) (10574, Decimal('37.60')) (10575, Decimal('127.34')) (10576, Decimal('18.56')) (10577, Decimal('25.41')) (10578, Decimal('29.60')) (10579, Decimal('13.73')) (10580, Decimal('75.89')) (10581, Decimal('3.01')) (10582, Decimal('27.71')) (10583, Decimal('7.28')) (10584, Decimal('59.14')) (10585, Decimal('13.41')) (10586, Decimal('0.48')) (10587, Decimal('62.52')) (10588, Decimal('194.67')) (10589, Decimal('4.42')) (10590, Decimal('44.77')) (10591, Decimal('55.92')) (10592, Decimal('32.10')) (10593, Decimal('174.20')) (10594, Decimal('5.24')) (10595, Decimal('96.78')) (10596, Decimal('16.34')) (10597, Decimal('35.12')) (10598, Decimal('44.42')) (10599, Decimal('29.98')) (10600, Decimal('45.13')) (10601, Decimal('58.30')) (10602, Decimal('2.92')) (10603, Decimal('48.77')) (10604, Decimal('7.46')) (10605, Decimal('379.13')) (10606, Decimal('79.40')) (10607, Decimal('200.24')) (10608, Decimal('27.79')) (10609, Decimal('1.85')) (10610, Decimal('26.78')) (10611, Decimal('80.65')) (10612, Decimal('544.08')) (10613, Decimal('8.11')) (10614, Decimal('1.93')) (10615, Decimal('0.75')) (10616, Decimal('116.53')) (10617, Decimal('18.53')) (10618, Decimal('154.68')) (10619, Decimal('91.05')) (10620, Decimal('0.94')) (10621, Decimal('23.73')) (10622, Decimal('50.97')) (10623, Decimal('97.18')) (10624, Decimal('94.80')) (10625, Decimal('43.90')) (10626, Decimal('138.69')) (10627, Decimal('107.46')) (10628, Decimal('30.36')) (10629, Decimal('85.46')) (10630, Decimal('32.35')) (10631, Decimal('0.87')) (10632, Decimal('41.38')) (10633, Decimal('477.90')) (10634, Decimal('487.38')) (10635, Decimal('47.46')) (10636, Decimal('1.15')) (10637, Decimal('201.29')) (10638, Decimal('158.44')) (10639, Decimal('38.64')) (10640, Decimal('23.55')) (10641, Decimal('179.61')) (10642, Decimal('41.89')) (10643, Decimal('29.46')) (10644, Decimal('0.14')) (10645, Decimal('12.41')) (10646, Decimal('142.33')) (10647, Decimal('45.54')) (10648, Decimal('14.25')) (10649, Decimal('6.20')) (10650, Decimal('176.81')) (10651, Decimal('20.60')) (10652, Decimal('7.14')) (10653, Decimal('93.25')) (10654, Decimal('55.26')) (10655, Decimal('4.41')) (10656, Decimal('57.15')) (10657, Decimal('352.69')) (10658, Decimal('364.15')) (10659, Decimal('105.81')) (10660, Decimal('111.29')) (10661, Decimal('17.55')) (10662, Decimal('1.28')) (10663, Decimal('113.15')) (10664, Decimal('1.27')) (10665, Decimal('26.31')) (10666, Decimal('232.42')) (10667, Decimal('78.09')) (10668, Decimal('47.22')) (10669, Decimal('24.39')) (10670, Decimal('203.48')) (10671, Decimal('30.34')) (10672, Decimal('95.75')) (10673, Decimal('22.76')) (10674, Decimal('0.90')) (10675, Decimal('31.85')) (10676, Decimal('2.01')) (10677, Decimal('4.03')) (10678, Decimal('388.98')) (10679, Decimal('27.94')) (10680, Decimal('26.61')) (10681, Decimal('76.13')) (10682, Decimal('36.13')) (10683, Decimal('4.40')) (10684, Decimal('145.63')) (10685, Decimal('33.75')) (10686, Decimal('96.50')) (10687, Decimal('296.43')) (10688, Decimal('299.09')) (10689, Decimal('13.42')) (10690, Decimal('15.80')) (10691, Decimal('810.05')) (10692, Decimal('61.02')) (10693, Decimal('139.34')) (10694, Decimal('398.36')) (10695, Decimal('16.72')) (10696, Decimal('102.55')) (10697, Decimal('45.52')) (10698, Decimal('272.47')) (10699, Decimal('0.58')) (10700, Decimal('65.10')) (10701, Decimal('220.31')) (10702, Decimal('23.94')) (10703, Decimal('152.30')) (10704, Decimal('4.78')) (10705, Decimal('3.52')) (10706, Decimal('135.63')) (10707, Decimal('21.74')) (10708, Decimal('2.96')) (10709, Decimal('210.80')) (10710, Decimal('4.98')) (10711, Decimal('52.41')) (10712, Decimal('89.93')) (10713, Decimal('167.05')) (10714, Decimal('24.49')) (10715, Decimal('63.20')) (10716, Decimal('22.57')) (10717, Decimal('59.25')) (10718, Decimal('170.88')) (10719, Decimal('51.44')) (10720, Decimal('9.53')) (10721, Decimal('48.92')) (10722, Decimal('74.58')) (10723, Decimal('21.72')) (10724, Decimal('57.75')) (10725, Decimal('10.83')) (10726, Decimal('16.56')) (10727, Decimal('89.90')) (10728, Decimal('58.33')) (10729, Decimal('141.06')) (10730, Decimal('20.12')) (10731, Decimal('96.65')) (10732, Decimal('16.97')) (10733, Decimal('110.11')) (10734, Decimal('1.63')) (10735, Decimal('45.97')) (10736, Decimal('44.10')) (10737, Decimal('7.79')) (10738, Decimal('2.91')) (10739, Decimal('11.08')) (10740, Decimal('81.88')) (10741, Decimal('10.96')) (10742, Decimal('243.73')) (10743, Decimal('23.72')) (10744, Decimal('69.19')) (10745, Decimal('3.52')) (10746, Decimal('31.43')) (10747, Decimal('117.33')) (10748, Decimal('232.55')) (10749, Decimal('61.53')) (10750, Decimal('79.30')) (10751, Decimal('130.79')) (10752, Decimal('1.39')) (10753, Decimal('7.70')) (10754, Decimal('2.38')) (10755, Decimal('16.71')) (10756, Decimal('73.21')) (10757, Decimal('8.19')) (10758, Decimal('138.17')) (10759, Decimal('11.99')) (10760, Decimal('155.64')) (10761, Decimal('18.66')) (10762, Decimal('328.74')) (10763, Decimal('37.35')) (10764, Decimal('145.45')) (10765, Decimal('42.74')) (10766, Decimal('157.55')) (10767, Decimal('1.59')) (10768, Decimal('146.32')) (10769, Decimal('65.06')) (10770, Decimal('5.32')) (10771, Decimal('11.19')) (10772, Decimal('91.28')) (10773, Decimal('96.43')) (10774, Decimal('48.20')) (10775, Decimal('20.25')) (10776, Decimal('351.53')) (10777, Decimal('3.01')) (10778, Decimal('6.79')) (10779, Decimal('58.13')) (10780, Decimal('42.13')) (10781, Decimal('73.16')) (10782, Decimal('1.10')) (10783, Decimal('124.98')) (10784, Decimal('70.09')) (10785, Decimal('1.51')) (10786, Decimal('110.87')) (10787, Decimal('249.93')) (10788, Decimal('42.70')) (10789, Decimal('100.60')) (10790, Decimal('28.23')) (10791, Decimal('16.85')) (10792, Decimal('23.79')) (10793, Decimal('4.52')) (10794, Decimal('21.49')) (10795, Decimal('126.66')) (10796, Decimal('26.52')) (10797, Decimal('33.35')) (10798, Decimal('2.33')) (10799, Decimal('30.76')) (10800, Decimal('137.44')) (10801, Decimal('97.09')) (10802, Decimal('257.26')) (10803, Decimal('55.23')) (10804, Decimal('27.33')) (10805, Decimal('237.34')) (10806, Decimal('22.11')) (10807, Decimal('1.36')) (10808, Decimal('45.53')) (10809, Decimal('4.87')) (10810, Decimal('4.33')) (10811, Decimal('31.22')) (10812, Decimal('59.78')) (10813, Decimal('47.38')) (10814, Decimal('130.94')) (10815, Decimal('14.62')) (10816, Decimal('719.78')) (10817, Decimal('306.07')) (10818, Decimal('65.48')) (10819, Decimal('19.76')) (10820, Decimal('37.52')) (10821, Decimal('36.68')) (10822, Decimal('7.00')) (10823, Decimal('163.97')) (10824, Decimal('1.23')) (10825, Decimal('79.25')) (10826, Decimal('7.09')) (10827, Decimal('63.54')) (10828, Decimal('90.85')) (10829, Decimal('154.72')) (10830, Decimal('81.83')) (10831, Decimal('72.19')) (10832, Decimal('43.26')) (10833, Decimal('71.49')) (10834, Decimal('29.78')) (10835, Decimal('69.53')) (10836, Decimal('411.88')) (10837, Decimal('13.32')) (10838, Decimal('59.28')) (10839, Decimal('35.43')) (10840, Decimal('2.71')) (10841, Decimal('424.30')) (10842, Decimal('54.42')) (10843, Decimal('9.26')) (10844, Decimal('25.22')) (10845, Decimal('212.98')) (10846, Decimal('56.46')) (10847, Decimal('487.57')) (10848, Decimal('38.24')) (10849, Decimal('0.56')) (10850, Decimal('49.19')) (10851, Decimal('160.55')) (10852, Decimal('174.05')) (10853, Decimal('53.83')) (10854, Decimal('100.22')) (10855, Decimal('170.97')) (10856, Decimal('58.43')) (10857, Decimal('188.85')) (10858, Decimal('52.51')) (10859, Decimal('76.10')) (10860, Decimal('19.26')) (10861, Decimal('14.93')) (10862, Decimal('53.23')) (10863, Decimal('30.26')) (10864, Decimal('3.04')) (10865, Decimal('348.14')) (10866, Decimal('109.11')) (10867, Decimal('1.93')) (10868, Decimal('191.27')) (10869, Decimal('143.28')) (10870, Decimal('12.04')) (10871, Decimal('112.27')) (10872, Decimal('175.32')) (10873, Decimal('0.82')) (10874, Decimal('19.58')) (10875, Decimal('32.37')) (10876, Decimal('60.42')) (10877, Decimal('38.06')) (10878, Decimal('46.69')) (10879, Decimal('8.50')) (10880, Decimal('88.01')) (10881, Decimal('2.84')) (10882, Decimal('23.10')) (10883, Decimal('0.53')) (10884, Decimal('90.97')) (10885, Decimal('5.64')) (10886, Decimal('4.99')) (10887, Decimal('1.25')) (10888, Decimal('51.87')) (10889, Decimal('280.61')) (10890, Decimal('32.76')) (10891, Decimal('20.37')) (10892, Decimal('120.27')) (10893, Decimal('77.78')) (10894, Decimal('116.13')) (10895, Decimal('162.75')) (10896, Decimal('32.45')) (10897, Decimal('603.54')) (10898, Decimal('1.27')) (10899, Decimal('1.21')) (10900, Decimal('1.66')) (10901, Decimal('62.09')) (10902, Decimal('44.15')) (10903, Decimal('36.71')) (10904, Decimal('162.95')) (10905, Decimal('13.72')) (10906, Decimal('26.29')) (10907, Decimal('9.19')) (10908, Decimal('32.96')) (10909, Decimal('53.05')) (10910, Decimal('38.11')) (10911, Decimal('38.19')) (10912, Decimal('580.91')) (10913, Decimal('33.05')) (10914, Decimal('21.19')) (10915, Decimal('3.51')) (10916, Decimal('63.77')) (10917, Decimal('8.29')) (10918, Decimal('48.83')) (10919, Decimal('19.80')) (10920, Decimal('29.61')) (10921, Decimal('176.48')) (10922, Decimal('62.74')) (10923, Decimal('68.26')) (10924, Decimal('151.52')) (10925, Decimal('2.27')) (10926, Decimal('39.92')) (10927, Decimal('19.79')) (10928, Decimal('1.36')) (10929, Decimal('33.93')) (10930, Decimal('15.55')) (10931, Decimal('13.60')) (10932, Decimal('134.64')) (10933, Decimal('54.15')) (10934, Decimal('32.01')) (10935, Decimal('47.59')) (10936, Decimal('33.68')) (10937, Decimal('31.51')) (10938, Decimal('31.89')) (10939, Decimal('76.33')) (10940, Decimal('19.77')) (10941, Decimal('400.81')) (10942, Decimal('17.95')) (10943, Decimal('2.17')) (10944, Decimal('52.92')) (10945, Decimal('10.22')) (10946, Decimal('27.20')) (10947, Decimal('3.26')) (10948, Decimal('23.39')) (10949, Decimal('74.44')) (10950, Decimal('2.50')) (10951, Decimal('30.85')) (10952, Decimal('40.42')) (10953, Decimal('23.72')) (10954, Decimal('27.91')) (10955, Decimal('3.26')) (10956, Decimal('44.65')) (10957, Decimal('105.36')) (10958, Decimal('49.56')) (10959, Decimal('4.98')) (10960, Decimal('2.08')) (10961, Decimal('104.47')) (10962, Decimal('275.79')) (10963, Decimal('2.70')) (10964, Decimal('87.38')) (10965, Decimal('144.38')) (10966, Decimal('27.19')) (10967, Decimal('62.22')) (10968, Decimal('74.60')) (10969, Decimal('0.21')) (10970, Decimal('16.16')) (10971, Decimal('121.82')) (10972, Decimal('0.02')) (10973, Decimal('15.17')) (10974, Decimal('12.96')) (10975, Decimal('32.27')) (10976, Decimal('37.97')) (10977, Decimal('208.50')) (10978, Decimal('32.82')) (10979, Decimal('353.07')) (10980, Decimal('1.26')) (10981, Decimal('193.37')) (10982, Decimal('14.01')) (10983, Decimal('657.54')) (10984, Decimal('211.22')) (10985, Decimal('91.51')) (10986, Decimal('217.86')) (10987, Decimal('185.48')) (10988, Decimal('61.14')) (10989, Decimal('34.76')) (10990, Decimal('117.61')) (10991, Decimal('38.51')) (10992, Decimal('4.27')) (10993, Decimal('8.81')) (10994, Decimal('65.53')) (10995, Decimal('46.00')) (10996, Decimal('1.12')) (10997, Decimal('73.91')) (10998, Decimal('20.31')) (10999, Decimal('96.35')) (11000, Decimal('55.12')) (11001, Decimal('197.30')) (11002, Decimal('141.16')) (11003, Decimal('14.91')) (11004, Decimal('44.84')) (11005, Decimal('0.75')) (11006, Decimal('25.19')) (11007, Decimal('202.24')) (11008, Decimal('79.46')) (11009, Decimal('59.11')) (11010, Decimal('28.71')) (11011, Decimal('1.21')) (11012, Decimal('242.95')) (11013, Decimal('32.99')) (11014, Decimal('23.60')) (11015, Decimal('4.62')) (11016, Decimal('33.80')) (11017, Decimal('754.26')) (11018, Decimal('11.65')) (11019, Decimal('3.17')) (11020, Decimal('43.30')) (11021, Decimal('297.18')) (11022, Decimal('6.27')) (11023, Decimal('123.83')) (11024, Decimal('74.36')) (11025, Decimal('29.17')) (11026, Decimal('47.09')) (11027, Decimal('52.52')) (11028, Decimal('29.59')) (11029, Decimal('47.84')) (11030, Decimal('830.75')) (11031, Decimal('227.22')) (11032, Decimal('606.19')) (11033, Decimal('84.74')) (11034, Decimal('40.32')) (11035, Decimal('0.17')) (11036, Decimal('149.47')) (11037, Decimal('3.20')) (11038, Decimal('29.59')) (11039, Decimal('65.00')) (11040, Decimal('18.84')) (11041, Decimal('48.22')) (11042, Decimal('29.99')) (11043, Decimal('8.80')) (11044, Decimal('8.72')) (11045, Decimal('70.58')) (11046, Decimal('71.64')) (11047, Decimal('46.62')) (11048, Decimal('24.12')) (11049, Decimal('8.34')) (11050, Decimal('59.41')) (11051, Decimal('2.79')) (11052, Decimal('67.26')) (11053, Decimal('53.05')) (11054, Decimal('0.33')) (11055, Decimal('120.92')) (11056, Decimal('278.96')) (11057, Decimal('4.13')) (11058, Decimal('31.14')) (11059, Decimal('85.80')) (11060, Decimal('10.98')) (11061, Decimal('14.01')) (11062, Decimal('29.93')) (11063, Decimal('81.73')) (11064, Decimal('30.09')) (11065, Decimal('12.91')) (11066, Decimal('44.72')) (11067, Decimal('7.98')) (11068, Decimal('81.75')) (11069, Decimal('15.67')) (11070, Decimal('136.00')) (11071, Decimal('0.93')) (11072, Decimal('258.64')) (11073, Decimal('24.95')) (11074, Decimal('18.44')) (11075, Decimal('6.19')) (11076, Decimal('38.28')) (11077, Decimal('8.53')) Size: 830 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT orderId, MIN(freight) FROM SalesOrder GROUP BY orderId; ('orderId', 'MIN(freight)') (10248, Decimal('32.38')) (10249, Decimal('11.61')) (10250, Decimal('65.83')) (10251, Decimal('41.34')) (10252, Decimal('51.30')) (10253, Decimal('58.17')) (10254, Decimal('22.98')) (10255, Decimal('148.33')) (10256, Decimal('13.97')) (10257, Decimal('81.91')) (10258, Decimal('140.51')) (10259, Decimal('3.25')) (10260, Decimal('55.09')) (10261, Decimal('3.05')) (10262, Decimal('48.29')) (10263, Decimal('146.06')) (10264, Decimal('3.67')) (10265, Decimal('55.28')) (10266, Decimal('25.73')) (10267, Decimal('208.58')) (10268, Decimal('66.29')) (10269, Decimal('4.56')) (10270, Decimal('136.54')) (10271, Decimal('4.54')) (10272, Decimal('98.03')) (10273, Decimal('76.07')) (10274, Decimal('6.01')) (10275, Decimal('26.93')) (10276, Decimal('13.84')) (10277, Decimal('125.77')) (10278, Decimal('92.69')) (10279, Decimal('25.83')) (10280, Decimal('8.98')) (10281, Decimal('2.94')) (10282, Decimal('12.69')) (10283, Decimal('84.81')) (10284, Decimal('76.56')) (10285, Decimal('76.83')) (10286, Decimal('229.24')) (10287, Decimal('12.76')) (10288, Decimal('7.45')) (10289, Decimal('22.77')) (10290, Decimal('79.70')) (10291, Decimal('6.40')) (10292, Decimal('1.35')) (10293, Decimal('21.18')) (10294, Decimal('147.26')) (10295, Decimal('1.15')) (10296, Decimal('0.12')) (10297, Decimal('5.74')) (10298, Decimal('168.22')) (10299, Decimal('29.76')) (10300, Decimal('17.68')) (10301, Decimal('45.08')) (10302, Decimal('6.27')) (10303, Decimal('107.83')) (10304, Decimal('63.79')) (10305, Decimal('257.62')) (10306, Decimal('7.56')) (10307, Decimal('0.56')) (10308, Decimal('1.61')) (10309, Decimal('47.30')) (10310, Decimal('17.52')) (10311, Decimal('24.69')) (10312, Decimal('40.26')) (10313, Decimal('1.96')) (10314, Decimal('74.16')) (10315, Decimal('41.76')) (10316, Decimal('150.15')) (10317, Decimal('12.69')) (10318, Decimal('4.73')) (10319, Decimal('64.50')) (10320, Decimal('34.57')) (10321, Decimal('3.43')) (10322, Decimal('0.40')) (10323, Decimal('4.88')) (10324, Decimal('214.27')) (10325, Decimal('64.86')) (10326, Decimal('77.92')) (10327, Decimal('63.36')) (10328, Decimal('87.03')) (10329, Decimal('191.67')) (10330, Decimal('12.75')) (10331, Decimal('10.19')) (10332, Decimal('52.84')) (10333, Decimal('0.59')) (10334, Decimal('8.56')) (10335, Decimal('42.11')) (10336, Decimal('15.51')) (10337, Decimal('108.26')) (10338, Decimal('84.21')) (10339, Decimal('15.66')) (10340, Decimal('166.31')) (10341, Decimal('26.78')) (10342, Decimal('54.83')) (10343, Decimal('110.37')) (10344, Decimal('23.29')) (10345, Decimal('249.06')) (10346, Decimal('142.08')) (10347, Decimal('3.10')) (10348, Decimal('0.78')) (10349, Decimal('8.63')) (10350, Decimal('64.19')) (10351, Decimal('162.33')) (10352, Decimal('1.30')) (10353, Decimal('360.63')) (10354, Decimal('53.80')) (10355, Decimal('41.95')) (10356, Decimal('36.71')) (10357, Decimal('34.88')) (10358, Decimal('19.64')) (10359, Decimal('288.43')) (10360, Decimal('131.70')) (10361, Decimal('183.17')) (10362, Decimal('96.04')) (10363, Decimal('30.54')) (10364, Decimal('71.97')) (10365, Decimal('22.00')) (10366, Decimal('10.14')) (10367, Decimal('13.55')) (10368, Decimal('101.95')) (10369, Decimal('195.68')) (10370, Decimal('1.17')) (10371, Decimal('0.45')) (10372, Decimal('890.78')) (10373, Decimal('124.12')) (10374, Decimal('3.94')) (10375, Decimal('20.12')) (10376, Decimal('20.39')) (10377, Decimal('22.21')) (10378, Decimal('5.44')) (10379, Decimal('45.03')) (10380, Decimal('35.03')) (10381, Decimal('7.99')) (10382, Decimal('94.77')) (10383, Decimal('34.24')) (10384, Decimal('168.64')) (10385, Decimal('30.96')) (10386, Decimal('13.99')) (10387, Decimal('93.63')) (10388, Decimal('34.86')) (10389, Decimal('47.42')) (10390, Decimal('126.38')) (10391, Decimal('5.45')) (10392, Decimal('122.46')) (10393, Decimal('126.56')) (10394, Decimal('30.34')) (10395, Decimal('184.41')) (10396, Decimal('135.35')) (10397, Decimal('60.26')) (10398, Decimal('89.16')) (10399, Decimal('27.36')) (10400, Decimal('83.93')) (10401, Decimal('12.51')) (10402, Decimal('67.88')) (10403, Decimal('73.79')) (10404, Decimal('155.97')) (10405, Decimal('34.82')) (10406, Decimal('108.04')) (10407, Decimal('91.48')) (10408, Decimal('11.26')) (10409, Decimal('29.83')) (10410, Decimal('2.40')) (10411, Decimal('23.65')) (10412, Decimal('3.77')) (10413, Decimal('95.66')) (10414, Decimal('21.48')) (10415, Decimal('0.20')) (10416, Decimal('22.72')) (10417, Decimal('70.29')) (10418, Decimal('17.55')) (10419, Decimal('137.35')) (10420, Decimal('44.12')) (10421, Decimal('99.23')) (10422, Decimal('3.02')) (10423, Decimal('24.50')) (10424, Decimal('370.61')) (10425, Decimal('7.93')) (10426, Decimal('18.69')) (10427, Decimal('31.29')) (10428, Decimal('11.09')) (10429, Decimal('56.63')) (10430, Decimal('458.78')) (10431, Decimal('44.17')) (10432, Decimal('4.34')) (10433, Decimal('73.83')) (10434, Decimal('17.92')) (10435, Decimal('9.21')) (10436, Decimal('156.66')) (10437, Decimal('19.97')) (10438, Decimal('8.24')) (10439, Decimal('4.07')) (10440, Decimal('86.53')) (10441, Decimal('73.02')) (10442, Decimal('47.94')) (10443, Decimal('13.95')) (10444, Decimal('3.50')) (10445, Decimal('9.30')) (10446, Decimal('14.68')) (10447, Decimal('68.66')) (10448, Decimal('38.82')) (10449, Decimal('53.30')) (10450, Decimal('7.23')) (10451, Decimal('189.09')) (10452, Decimal('140.26')) (10453, Decimal('25.36')) (10454, Decimal('2.74')) (10455, Decimal('180.45')) (10456, Decimal('8.12')) (10457, Decimal('11.57')) (10458, Decimal('147.06')) (10459, Decimal('25.09')) (10460, Decimal('16.27')) (10461, Decimal('148.61')) (10462, Decimal('6.17')) (10463, Decimal('14.78')) (10464, Decimal('89.00')) (10465, Decimal('145.04')) (10466, Decimal('11.93')) (10467, Decimal('4.93')) (10468, Decimal('44.12')) (10469, Decimal('60.18')) (10470, Decimal('64.56')) (10471, Decimal('45.59')) (10472, Decimal('4.20')) (10473, Decimal('16.37')) (10474, Decimal('83.49')) (10475, Decimal('68.52')) (10476, Decimal('4.41')) (10477, Decimal('13.02')) (10478, Decimal('4.81')) (10479, Decimal('708.95')) (10480, Decimal('1.35')) (10481, Decimal('64.33')) (10482, Decimal('7.48')) (10483, Decimal('15.28')) (10484, Decimal('6.88')) (10485, Decimal('64.45')) (10486, Decimal('30.53')) (10487, Decimal('71.07')) (10488, Decimal('4.93')) (10489, Decimal('5.29')) (10490, Decimal('210.19')) (10491, Decimal('16.96')) (10492, Decimal('62.89')) (10493, Decimal('10.64')) (10494, Decimal('65.99')) (10495, Decimal('4.65')) (10496, Decimal('46.77')) (10497, Decimal('36.21')) (10498, Decimal('29.75')) (10499, Decimal('102.02')) (10500, Decimal('42.68')) (10501, Decimal('8.85')) (10502, Decimal('69.32')) (10503, Decimal('16.74')) (10504, Decimal('59.13')) (10505, Decimal('7.13')) (10506, Decimal('21.19')) (10507, Decimal('47.45')) (10508, Decimal('4.99')) (10509, Decimal('0.15')) (10510, Decimal('367.63')) (10511, Decimal('350.64')) (10512, Decimal('3.53')) (10513, Decimal('105.65')) (10514, Decimal('789.95')) (10515, Decimal('204.47')) (10516, Decimal('62.78')) (10517, Decimal('32.07')) (10518, Decimal('218.15')) (10519, Decimal('91.76')) (10520, Decimal('13.37')) (10521, Decimal('17.22')) (10522, Decimal('45.33')) (10523, Decimal('77.63')) (10524, Decimal('244.79')) (10525, Decimal('11.06')) (10526, Decimal('58.59')) (10527, Decimal('41.90')) (10528, Decimal('3.35')) (10529, Decimal('66.69')) (10530, Decimal('339.22')) (10531, Decimal('8.12')) (10532, Decimal('74.46')) (10533, Decimal('188.04')) (10534, Decimal('27.94')) (10535, Decimal('15.64')) (10536, Decimal('58.88')) (10537, Decimal('78.85')) (10538, Decimal('4.87')) (10539, Decimal('12.36')) (10540, Decimal('1007.64')) (10541, Decimal('68.65')) (10542, Decimal('10.95')) (10543, Decimal('48.17')) (10544, Decimal('24.91')) (10545, Decimal('11.92')) (10546, Decimal('194.72')) (10547, Decimal('178.43')) (10548, Decimal('1.43')) (10549, Decimal('171.24')) (10550, Decimal('4.32')) (10551, Decimal('72.95')) (10552, Decimal('83.22')) (10553, Decimal('149.49')) (10554, Decimal('120.97')) (10555, Decimal('252.49')) (10556, Decimal('9.80')) (10557, Decimal('96.72')) (10558, Decimal('72.97')) (10559, Decimal('8.05')) (10560, Decimal('36.65')) (10561, Decimal('242.21')) (10562, Decimal('22.95')) (10563, Decimal('60.43')) (10564, Decimal('13.75')) (10565, Decimal('7.15')) (10566, Decimal('88.40')) (10567, Decimal('33.97')) (10568, Decimal('6.54')) (10569, Decimal('58.98')) (10570, Decimal('188.99')) (10571, Decimal('26.06')) (10572, Decimal('116.43')) (10573, Decimal('84.84')) (10574, Decimal('37.60')) (10575, Decimal('127.34')) (10576, Decimal('18.56')) (10577, Decimal('25.41')) (10578, Decimal('29.60')) (10579, Decimal('13.73')) (10580, Decimal('75.89')) (10581, Decimal('3.01')) (10582, Decimal('27.71')) (10583, Decimal('7.28')) (10584, Decimal('59.14')) (10585, Decimal('13.41')) (10586, Decimal('0.48')) (10587, Decimal('62.52')) (10588, Decimal('194.67')) (10589, Decimal('4.42')) (10590, Decimal('44.77')) (10591, Decimal('55.92')) (10592, Decimal('32.10')) (10593, Decimal('174.20')) (10594, Decimal('5.24')) (10595, Decimal('96.78')) (10596, Decimal('16.34')) (10597, Decimal('35.12')) (10598, Decimal('44.42')) (10599, Decimal('29.98')) (10600, Decimal('45.13')) (10601, Decimal('58.30')) (10602, Decimal('2.92')) (10603, Decimal('48.77')) (10604, Decimal('7.46')) (10605, Decimal('379.13')) (10606, Decimal('79.40')) (10607, Decimal('200.24')) (10608, Decimal('27.79')) (10609, Decimal('1.85')) (10610, Decimal('26.78')) (10611, Decimal('80.65')) (10612, Decimal('544.08')) (10613, Decimal('8.11')) (10614, Decimal('1.93')) (10615, Decimal('0.75')) (10616, Decimal('116.53')) (10617, Decimal('18.53')) (10618, Decimal('154.68')) (10619, Decimal('91.05')) (10620, Decimal('0.94')) (10621, Decimal('23.73')) (10622, Decimal('50.97')) (10623, Decimal('97.18')) (10624, Decimal('94.80')) (10625, Decimal('43.90')) (10626, Decimal('138.69')) (10627, Decimal('107.46')) (10628, Decimal('30.36')) (10629, Decimal('85.46')) (10630, Decimal('32.35')) (10631, Decimal('0.87')) (10632, Decimal('41.38')) (10633, Decimal('477.90')) (10634, Decimal('487.38')) (10635, Decimal('47.46')) (10636, Decimal('1.15')) (10637, Decimal('201.29')) (10638, Decimal('158.44')) (10639, Decimal('38.64')) (10640, Decimal('23.55')) (10641, Decimal('179.61')) (10642, Decimal('41.89')) (10643, Decimal('29.46')) (10644, Decimal('0.14')) (10645, Decimal('12.41')) (10646, Decimal('142.33')) (10647, Decimal('45.54')) (10648, Decimal('14.25')) (10649, Decimal('6.20')) (10650, Decimal('176.81')) (10651, Decimal('20.60')) (10652, Decimal('7.14')) (10653, Decimal('93.25')) (10654, Decimal('55.26')) (10655, Decimal('4.41')) (10656, Decimal('57.15')) (10657, Decimal('352.69')) (10658, Decimal('364.15')) (10659, Decimal('105.81')) (10660, Decimal('111.29')) (10661, Decimal('17.55')) (10662, Decimal('1.28')) (10663, Decimal('113.15')) (10664, Decimal('1.27')) (10665, Decimal('26.31')) (10666, Decimal('232.42')) (10667, Decimal('78.09')) (10668, Decimal('47.22')) (10669, Decimal('24.39')) (10670, Decimal('203.48')) (10671, Decimal('30.34')) (10672, Decimal('95.75')) (10673, Decimal('22.76')) (10674, Decimal('0.90')) (10675, Decimal('31.85')) (10676, Decimal('2.01')) (10677, Decimal('4.03')) (10678, Decimal('388.98')) (10679, Decimal('27.94')) (10680, Decimal('26.61')) (10681, Decimal('76.13')) (10682, Decimal('36.13')) (10683, Decimal('4.40')) (10684, Decimal('145.63')) (10685, Decimal('33.75')) (10686, Decimal('96.50')) (10687, Decimal('296.43')) (10688, Decimal('299.09')) (10689, Decimal('13.42')) (10690, Decimal('15.80')) (10691, Decimal('810.05')) (10692, Decimal('61.02')) (10693, Decimal('139.34')) (10694, Decimal('398.36')) (10695, Decimal('16.72')) (10696, Decimal('102.55')) (10697, Decimal('45.52')) (10698, Decimal('272.47')) (10699, Decimal('0.58')) (10700, Decimal('65.10')) (10701, Decimal('220.31')) (10702, Decimal('23.94')) (10703, Decimal('152.30')) (10704, Decimal('4.78')) (10705, Decimal('3.52')) (10706, Decimal('135.63')) (10707, Decimal('21.74')) (10708, Decimal('2.96')) (10709, Decimal('210.80')) (10710, Decimal('4.98')) (10711, Decimal('52.41')) (10712, Decimal('89.93')) (10713, Decimal('167.05')) (10714, Decimal('24.49')) (10715, Decimal('63.20')) (10716, Decimal('22.57')) (10717, Decimal('59.25')) (10718, Decimal('170.88')) (10719, Decimal('51.44')) (10720, Decimal('9.53')) (10721, Decimal('48.92')) (10722, Decimal('74.58')) (10723, Decimal('21.72')) (10724, Decimal('57.75')) (10725, Decimal('10.83')) (10726, Decimal('16.56')) (10727, Decimal('89.90')) (10728, Decimal('58.33')) (10729, Decimal('141.06')) (10730, Decimal('20.12')) (10731, Decimal('96.65')) (10732, Decimal('16.97')) (10733, Decimal('110.11')) (10734, Decimal('1.63')) (10735, Decimal('45.97')) (10736, Decimal('44.10')) (10737, Decimal('7.79')) (10738, Decimal('2.91')) (10739, Decimal('11.08')) (10740, Decimal('81.88')) (10741, Decimal('10.96')) (10742, Decimal('243.73')) (10743, Decimal('23.72')) (10744, Decimal('69.19')) (10745, Decimal('3.52')) (10746, Decimal('31.43')) (10747, Decimal('117.33')) (10748, Decimal('232.55')) (10749, Decimal('61.53')) (10750, Decimal('79.30')) (10751, Decimal('130.79')) (10752, Decimal('1.39')) (10753, Decimal('7.70')) (10754, Decimal('2.38')) (10755, Decimal('16.71')) (10756, Decimal('73.21')) (10757, Decimal('8.19')) (10758, Decimal('138.17')) (10759, Decimal('11.99')) (10760, Decimal('155.64')) (10761, Decimal('18.66')) (10762, Decimal('328.74')) (10763, Decimal('37.35')) (10764, Decimal('145.45')) (10765, Decimal('42.74')) (10766, Decimal('157.55')) (10767, Decimal('1.59')) (10768, Decimal('146.32')) (10769, Decimal('65.06')) (10770, Decimal('5.32')) (10771, Decimal('11.19')) (10772, Decimal('91.28')) (10773, Decimal('96.43')) (10774, Decimal('48.20')) (10775, Decimal('20.25')) (10776, Decimal('351.53')) (10777, Decimal('3.01')) (10778, Decimal('6.79')) (10779, Decimal('58.13')) (10780, Decimal('42.13')) (10781, Decimal('73.16')) (10782, Decimal('1.10')) (10783, Decimal('124.98')) (10784, Decimal('70.09')) (10785, Decimal('1.51')) (10786, Decimal('110.87')) (10787, Decimal('249.93')) (10788, Decimal('42.70')) (10789, Decimal('100.60')) (10790, Decimal('28.23')) (10791, Decimal('16.85')) (10792, Decimal('23.79')) (10793, Decimal('4.52')) (10794, Decimal('21.49')) (10795, Decimal('126.66')) (10796, Decimal('26.52')) (10797, Decimal('33.35')) (10798, Decimal('2.33')) (10799, Decimal('30.76')) (10800, Decimal('137.44')) (10801, Decimal('97.09')) (10802, Decimal('257.26')) (10803, Decimal('55.23')) (10804, Decimal('27.33')) (10805, Decimal('237.34')) (10806, Decimal('22.11')) (10807, Decimal('1.36')) (10808, Decimal('45.53')) (10809, Decimal('4.87')) (10810, Decimal('4.33')) (10811, Decimal('31.22')) (10812, Decimal('59.78')) (10813, Decimal('47.38')) (10814, Decimal('130.94')) (10815, Decimal('14.62')) (10816, Decimal('719.78')) (10817, Decimal('306.07')) (10818, Decimal('65.48')) (10819, Decimal('19.76')) (10820, Decimal('37.52')) (10821, Decimal('36.68')) (10822, Decimal('7.00')) (10823, Decimal('163.97')) (10824, Decimal('1.23')) (10825, Decimal('79.25')) (10826, Decimal('7.09')) (10827, Decimal('63.54')) (10828, Decimal('90.85')) (10829, Decimal('154.72')) (10830, Decimal('81.83')) (10831, Decimal('72.19')) (10832, Decimal('43.26')) (10833, Decimal('71.49')) (10834, Decimal('29.78')) (10835, Decimal('69.53')) (10836, Decimal('411.88')) (10837, Decimal('13.32')) (10838, Decimal('59.28')) (10839, Decimal('35.43')) (10840, Decimal('2.71')) (10841, Decimal('424.30')) (10842, Decimal('54.42')) (10843, Decimal('9.26')) (10844, Decimal('25.22')) (10845, Decimal('212.98')) (10846, Decimal('56.46')) (10847, Decimal('487.57')) (10848, Decimal('38.24')) (10849, Decimal('0.56')) (10850, Decimal('49.19')) (10851, Decimal('160.55')) (10852, Decimal('174.05')) (10853, Decimal('53.83')) (10854, Decimal('100.22')) (10855, Decimal('170.97')) (10856, Decimal('58.43')) (10857, Decimal('188.85')) (10858, Decimal('52.51')) (10859, Decimal('76.10')) (10860, Decimal('19.26')) (10861, Decimal('14.93')) (10862, Decimal('53.23')) (10863, Decimal('30.26')) (10864, Decimal('3.04')) (10865, Decimal('348.14')) (10866, Decimal('109.11')) (10867, Decimal('1.93')) (10868, Decimal('191.27')) (10869, Decimal('143.28')) (10870, Decimal('12.04')) (10871, Decimal('112.27')) (10872, Decimal('175.32')) (10873, Decimal('0.82')) (10874, Decimal('19.58')) (10875, Decimal('32.37')) (10876, Decimal('60.42')) (10877, Decimal('38.06')) (10878, Decimal('46.69')) (10879, Decimal('8.50')) (10880, Decimal('88.01')) (10881, Decimal('2.84')) (10882, Decimal('23.10')) (10883, Decimal('0.53')) (10884, Decimal('90.97')) (10885, Decimal('5.64')) (10886, Decimal('4.99')) (10887, Decimal('1.25')) (10888, Decimal('51.87')) (10889, Decimal('280.61')) (10890, Decimal('32.76')) (10891, Decimal('20.37')) (10892, Decimal('120.27')) (10893, Decimal('77.78')) (10894, Decimal('116.13')) (10895, Decimal('162.75')) (10896, Decimal('32.45')) (10897, Decimal('603.54')) (10898, Decimal('1.27')) (10899, Decimal('1.21')) (10900, Decimal('1.66')) (10901, Decimal('62.09')) (10902, Decimal('44.15')) (10903, Decimal('36.71')) (10904, Decimal('162.95')) (10905, Decimal('13.72')) (10906, Decimal('26.29')) (10907, Decimal('9.19')) (10908, Decimal('32.96')) (10909, Decimal('53.05')) (10910, Decimal('38.11')) (10911, Decimal('38.19')) (10912, Decimal('580.91')) (10913, Decimal('33.05')) (10914, Decimal('21.19')) (10915, Decimal('3.51')) (10916, Decimal('63.77')) (10917, Decimal('8.29')) (10918, Decimal('48.83')) (10919, Decimal('19.80')) (10920, Decimal('29.61')) (10921, Decimal('176.48')) (10922, Decimal('62.74')) (10923, Decimal('68.26')) (10924, Decimal('151.52')) (10925, Decimal('2.27')) (10926, Decimal('39.92')) (10927, Decimal('19.79')) (10928, Decimal('1.36')) (10929, Decimal('33.93')) (10930, Decimal('15.55')) (10931, Decimal('13.60')) (10932, Decimal('134.64')) (10933, Decimal('54.15')) (10934, Decimal('32.01')) (10935, Decimal('47.59')) (10936, Decimal('33.68')) (10937, Decimal('31.51')) (10938, Decimal('31.89')) (10939, Decimal('76.33')) (10940, Decimal('19.77')) (10941, Decimal('400.81')) (10942, Decimal('17.95')) (10943, Decimal('2.17')) (10944, Decimal('52.92')) (10945, Decimal('10.22')) (10946, Decimal('27.20')) (10947, Decimal('3.26')) (10948, Decimal('23.39')) (10949, Decimal('74.44')) (10950, Decimal('2.50')) (10951, Decimal('30.85')) (10952, Decimal('40.42')) (10953, Decimal('23.72')) (10954, Decimal('27.91')) (10955, Decimal('3.26')) (10956, Decimal('44.65')) (10957, Decimal('105.36')) (10958, Decimal('49.56')) (10959, Decimal('4.98')) (10960, Decimal('2.08')) (10961, Decimal('104.47')) (10962, Decimal('275.79')) (10963, Decimal('2.70')) (10964, Decimal('87.38')) (10965, Decimal('144.38')) (10966, Decimal('27.19')) (10967, Decimal('62.22')) (10968, Decimal('74.60')) (10969, Decimal('0.21')) (10970, Decimal('16.16')) (10971, Decimal('121.82')) (10972, Decimal('0.02')) (10973, Decimal('15.17')) (10974, Decimal('12.96')) (10975, Decimal('32.27')) (10976, Decimal('37.97')) (10977, Decimal('208.50')) (10978, Decimal('32.82')) (10979, Decimal('353.07')) (10980, Decimal('1.26')) (10981, Decimal('193.37')) (10982, Decimal('14.01')) (10983, Decimal('657.54')) (10984, Decimal('211.22')) (10985, Decimal('91.51')) (10986, Decimal('217.86')) (10987, Decimal('185.48')) (10988, Decimal('61.14')) (10989, Decimal('34.76')) (10990, Decimal('117.61')) (10991, Decimal('38.51')) (10992, Decimal('4.27')) (10993, Decimal('8.81')) (10994, Decimal('65.53')) (10995, Decimal('46.00')) (10996, Decimal('1.12')) (10997, Decimal('73.91')) (10998, Decimal('20.31')) (10999, Decimal('96.35')) (11000, Decimal('55.12')) (11001, Decimal('197.30')) (11002, Decimal('141.16')) (11003, Decimal('14.91')) (11004, Decimal('44.84')) (11005, Decimal('0.75')) (11006, Decimal('25.19')) (11007, Decimal('202.24')) (11008, Decimal('79.46')) (11009, Decimal('59.11')) (11010, Decimal('28.71')) (11011, Decimal('1.21')) (11012, Decimal('242.95')) (11013, Decimal('32.99')) (11014, Decimal('23.60')) (11015, Decimal('4.62')) (11016, Decimal('33.80')) (11017, Decimal('754.26')) (11018, Decimal('11.65')) (11019, Decimal('3.17')) (11020, Decimal('43.30')) (11021, Decimal('297.18')) (11022, Decimal('6.27')) (11023, Decimal('123.83')) (11024, Decimal('74.36')) (11025, Decimal('29.17')) (11026, Decimal('47.09')) (11027, Decimal('52.52')) (11028, Decimal('29.59')) (11029, Decimal('47.84')) (11030, Decimal('830.75')) (11031, Decimal('227.22')) (11032, Decimal('606.19')) (11033, Decimal('84.74')) (11034, Decimal('40.32')) (11035, Decimal('0.17')) (11036, Decimal('149.47')) (11037, Decimal('3.20')) (11038, Decimal('29.59')) (11039, Decimal('65.00')) (11040, Decimal('18.84')) (11041, Decimal('48.22')) (11042, Decimal('29.99')) (11043, Decimal('8.80')) (11044, Decimal('8.72')) (11045, Decimal('70.58')) (11046, Decimal('71.64')) (11047, Decimal('46.62')) (11048, Decimal('24.12')) (11049, Decimal('8.34')) (11050, Decimal('59.41')) (11051, Decimal('2.79')) (11052, Decimal('67.26')) (11053, Decimal('53.05')) (11054, Decimal('0.33')) (11055, Decimal('120.92')) (11056, Decimal('278.96')) (11057, Decimal('4.13')) (11058, Decimal('31.14')) (11059, Decimal('85.80')) (11060, Decimal('10.98')) (11061, Decimal('14.01')) (11062, Decimal('29.93')) (11063, Decimal('81.73')) (11064, Decimal('30.09')) (11065, Decimal('12.91')) (11066, Decimal('44.72')) (11067, Decimal('7.98')) (11068, Decimal('81.75')) (11069, Decimal('15.67')) (11070, Decimal('136.00')) (11071, Decimal('0.93')) (11072, Decimal('258.64')) (11073, Decimal('24.95')) (11074, Decimal('18.44')) (11075, Decimal('6.19')) (11076, Decimal('38.28')) (11077, Decimal('8.53')) Size: 830 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName FROM Product WHERE productId = 5; ('productName',) ('Product EPEIM',) Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT * FROM SalesOrder WHERE freight > 800 AND shipperId = 3; ('orderId', 'custId', 'employeeId', 'orderDate', 'requiredDate', 'shippedDate', 'shipperid', 'freight', 'shipName', 'shipAddress', 'shipCity', 'shipRegion', 'shipPostalCode', 'shipCountry') (10540, 63, 3, datetime.datetime(2007, 5, 19, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2007, 6, 16, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2007, 6, 13, 0, 0), 3, Decimal('1007.64'), 'Ship to 63-C', 'Taucherstraße 3456', 'Cunewalde', None, '10281', 'Germany') Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT orderId FROM SalesOrder WHERE shipCountry = "Germany" AND shipCity = "München"; ('orderId',) (10267,) (10337,) (10342,) (10396,) (10488,) (10560,) (10623,) (10653,) (10670,) (10675,) (10717,) (10791,) (10859,) (10929,) (11012,) Size: 15 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT orderId FROM SalesOrder WHERE shipCountry = "France" OR shipCountry = "Mexico" OR shipCountry = "USA"; ('orderId',) (10248,) (10251,) (10259,) (10262,) (10265,) (10269,) (10271,) (10272,) (10274,) (10276,) (10293,) (10294,) (10295,) (10297,) (10304,) (10305,) (10307,) (10308,) (10310,) (10311,) (10314,) (10316,) (10317,) (10319,) (10322,) (10324,) (10329,) (10331,) (10334,) (10338,) (10340,) (10344,) (10346,) (10349,) (10350,) (10354,) (10358,) (10360,) (10362,) (10365,) (10369,) (10371,) (10375,) (10385,) (10393,) (10394,) (10398,) (10401,) (10408,) (10413,) (10415,) (10425,) (10432,) (10436,) (10440,) (10441,) (10449,) (10450,) (10452,) (10454,) (10459,) (10469,) (10470,) (10474,) (10478,) (10479,) (10480,) (10482,) (10483,) (10493,) (10500,) (10502,) (10504,) (10507,) (10510,) (10511,) (10518,) (10525,) (10528,) (10535,) (10544,) (10545,) (10546,) (10555,) (10559,) (10564,) (10566,) (10569,) (10573,) (10574,) (10576,) (10577,) (10579,) (10584,) (10589,) (10594,) (10596,) (10598,) (10600,) (10603,) (10607,) (10609,) (10610,) (10612,) (10616,) (10617,) (10624,) (10625,) (10627,) (10628,) (10631,) (10634,) (10656,) (10657,) (10660,) (10662,) (10663,) (10665,) (10671,) (10676,) (10677,) (10678,) (10679,) (10680,) (10681,) (10682,) (10683,) (10693,) (10696,) (10700,) (10706,) (10708,) (10711,) (10713,) (10714,) (10715,) (10719,) (10722,) (10723,) (10730,) (10732,) (10735,) (10737,) (10738,) (10739,) (10740,) (10748,) (10755,) (10756,) (10757,) (10759,) (10761,) (10763,) (10775,) (10787,) (10789,) (10805,) (10806,) (10808,) (10814,) (10815,) (10816,) (10820,) (10821,) (10822,) (10826,) (10827,) (10832,) (10842,) (10843,) (10847,) (10850,) (10852,) (10855,) (10856,) (10858,) (10860,) (10861,) (10867,) (10871,) (10876,) (10882,) (10883,) (10884,) (10889,) (10890,) (10894,) (10904,) (10907,) (10915,) (10923,) (10926,) (10927,) (10932,) (10936,) (10940,) (10941,) (10964,) (10965,) (10971,) (10972,) (10973,) (10974,) (10983,) (10984,) (10988,) (10992,) (10995,) (11000,) (11002,) (11003,) (11006,) (11018,) (11030,) (11031,) (11032,) (11034,) (11040,) (11043,) (11051,) (11061,) (11064,) (11066,) (11069,) (11073,) (11076,) (11077,) Size: 227 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT orderId FROM SalesOrder WHERE shipCountry = "France" AND shipCity = "Lyon" OR shipCity = "Reims"; ('orderId',) (10248,) (10251,) (10274,) (10295,) (10334,) (10450,) (10459,) (10478,) (10546,) (10737,) (10739,) (10806,) (10814,) (10843,) (10850,) Size: 15 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT DISTINCT shipCountry FROM SalesOrder WHERE NOT shipCountry = "France" AND NOT shipCountry = "Germany" AND NOT shipCountry = "Brazil" ORDER BY shipCountry ASC; ('shipCountry',) ('Argentina',) ('Austria',) ('Belgium',) ('Canada',) ('Denmark',) ('Finland',) ('Ireland',) ('Italy',) ('Mexico',) ('Norway',) ('Poland',) ('Portugal',) ('Spain',) ('Sweden',) ('Switzerland',) ('UK',) ('USA',) ('Venezuela',) Size: 18 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT DISTINCTROW CONCAT(Employee.firstname," ",Employee.lastname) AS empName FROM SalesOrder JOIN Employee ON SalesOrder.employeeId = Employee.employeeId; ('empName',) ('Sven Buck',) ('Paul Suurs',) ('Yael Peled',) ('Judy Lew',) ('Zoya Dolgopyatova',) ('Sara Davis',) ('Maria Cameron',) ('Don Funk',) ('Russell King',) Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customer; ('Country',) ('Germany',) ('Mexico',) ('UK',) ('Sweden',) ('France',) ('Spain',) ('Canada',) ('Argentina',) ('Switzerland',) ('Brazil',) ('Austria',) ('Italy',) ('Portugal',) ('USA',) ('Venezuela',) ('Ireland',) ('Belgium',) ('Norway',) ('Denmark',) ('Finland',) ('Poland',) Size: 21 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT DISTINCTROW Employee.firstname, Employee.lastname FROM SalesOrder JOIN Employee ON SalesOrder.employeeId = Employee.employeeId; ('firstname', 'lastname') ('Sven', 'Buck') ('Paul', 'Suurs') ('Yael', 'Peled') ('Judy', 'Lew') ('Zoya', 'Dolgopyatova') ('Sara', 'Davis') ('Maria', 'Cameron') ('Don', 'Funk') ('Russell', 'King') Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT contactName, phone, city, country FROM Customer WHERE country IN ("UK", "Ireland"); ('contactName', 'phone', 'city', 'country') ('Arndt, Torsten', '(171) 456-7890', 'London', 'UK') ('Jaffe, David', '(171) 789-0123', 'London', 'UK') ('Birkby, Dana', '(171) 234-5678', 'London', 'UK') ('Boseman, Randall', '(171) 345-6789', 'London', 'UK') ('Crăciun, Ovidiu V.', '8901 234', 'Cork', 'Ireland') ('Lee, Frank', '(198) 567-8901', 'Cowes', 'UK') ('Mallit, Ken', '(171) 890-1234', 'London', 'UK') ('Welcker, Brian', '(171) 901-2345', 'London', 'UK') Size: 8 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT contactName, contactTitle, phone FROM Supplier WHERE contactTitle IN ("Sales Representative", "Sales Agent", "Sales Manager"); ('contactName', 'contactTitle', 'phone') ('Parovszky, Alfons', 'Sales Representative', '(313) 555-0109') ('Iallo, Lucio', 'Sales Representative', '(161) 567-8901') ('Basalik, Evan', 'Sales Agent', '031-345 67 89') ('Jain, Mukesh', 'Sales Manager', '(010) 3456789') ('Keil, Kendall', 'Sales Representative', '(0544) 56789') ('Kleinerman, Christian', 'Sales Representative', '08-234 56 78') ('Canel, Fabrice', 'Sales Manager', '(1)') ('Shakespear, Paul', 'Sales Manager', '67890123') ('Clark, Molly', 'Sales Representative', '(02) 234-5678') ('Leoni, Alessandro', 'Sales Manager', '') ('Teper, Jeff', 'Sales Representative', '') Size: 11 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT territoryId, territorydescription FROM Territory WHERE regionId NOT IN (1, 3); ('territoryId', 'territorydescription') ('29202', 'Columbia') ('30346', 'Atlanta') ('31406', 'Savannah') ('32859', 'Orlando') ('33607', 'Tampa') ('60179', 'Hoffman Estates') ('60601', 'Chicago') ('72716', 'Bentonville') ('75234', 'Dallas') ('78759', 'Austin') ('80202', 'Denver') ('80909', 'Colorado Springs') ('85014', 'Phoenix') ('85251', 'Scottsdale') ('90405', 'Santa Monica') ('94025', 'Menlo Park') ('94105', 'San Francisco') ('95008', 'Campbell') ('95054', 'Santa Clara') ('95060', 'Santa Cruz') ('98004', 'Bellevue') ('98052', 'Redmond') ('98104', 'Seattle') Size: 23 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productId, productName, unitPrice FROM Product WHERE unitPrice BETWEEN 100 AND 200; ('productId', 'productName', 'unitPrice') (29, 'Product VJXYN', Decimal('123.79')) Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productId, productName, unitPrice FROM Product WHERE unitPrice NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 300; ('productId', 'productName', 'unitPrice') (13, 'Product POXFU', Decimal('6.00')) (19, 'Product XKXDO', Decimal('9.20')) (23, 'Product JLUDZ', Decimal('9.00')) (24, 'Product QOGNU', Decimal('4.50')) (33, 'Product ASTMN', Decimal('2.50')) (41, 'Product TTEEX', Decimal('9.65')) (45, 'Product AQOKR', Decimal('9.50')) (47, 'Product EZZPR', Decimal('9.50')) (52, 'Product QSRXF', Decimal('7.00')) (54, 'Product QAQRL', Decimal('7.45')) (75, 'Product BWRLG', Decimal('7.75')) Size: 11 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT custId, companyName, contactName FROM Customer WHERE companyName LIKE "Customer A%"; ('custId', 'companyName', 'contactName') (25, 'Customer AZJED', 'Carlson, Jason') (58, 'Customer AHXHT', 'Fakhouri, Fadi') (72, 'Customer AHPOP', 'Welcker, Brian') Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT custId, companyName, contactName FROM Customer WHERE companyName NOT LIKE "Customer A%"; ('custId', 'companyName', 'contactName') (1, 'Customer NRZBB', 'Allen, Michael') (2, 'Customer MLTDN', 'Hassall, Mark') (3, 'Customer KBUDE', 'Peoples, John') (4, 'Customer HFBZG', 'Arndt, Torsten') (5, 'Customer HGVLZ', 'Higginbotham, Tom') (6, 'Customer XHXJV', 'Poland, Carole') (7, 'Customer QXVLA', 'Bansal, Dushyant') (8, 'Customer QUHWH', 'Ilyina, Julia') (9, 'Customer RTXGC', 'Raghav, Amritansh') (10, 'Customer EEALV', 'Bassols, Pilar Colome') (11, 'Customer UBHAU', 'Jaffe, David') (12, 'Customer PSNMQ', 'Ray, Mike') (13, 'Customer VMLOG', 'Benito, Almudena') (14, 'Customer WNMAF', 'Jelitto, Jacek') (15, 'Customer JUWXK', 'Richardson, Shawn') (16, 'Customer GYBBY', 'Birkby, Dana') (17, 'Customer FEVNN', 'Jones, TiAnna') (18, 'Customer BSVAR', 'Rizaldy, Arif') (19, 'Customer RFNQC', 'Boseman, Randall') (20, 'Customer THHDP', 'Kane, John') (21, 'Customer KIdPX', 'Russo, Giuseppe') (22, 'Customer DTDMN', 'Bueno, Janaina Burdan, Neville') (23, 'Customer WVFAF', 'Khanna, Karan') (24, 'Customer CYZTN', 'San Juan, Patricia') (26, 'Customer USDBG', 'Koch, Paul') (27, 'Customer WMFEA', 'Schmöllerl, Martin') (28, 'Customer XYUFB', 'Cavaglieri, Giorgio') (29, 'Customer MDLWA', 'Kolesnikova, Katerina') (30, 'Customer KSLQF', 'Shabalin, Rostislav') (31, 'Customer YJCBX', 'Cheng, Yao-Qiang') (32, 'Customer YSIQX', 'Krishnan, Venky') (33, 'Customer FVXPQ', 'Sigurdarson, Hallur ') (34, 'Customer IBVRG', 'Cohen, Shy') (35, 'Customer UMTLM', 'Langohr, Kris') (36, 'Customer LVJSO', 'Smith, Denise') (37, 'Customer FRXZL', 'Crăciun, Ovidiu V.') (38, 'Customer LJUCA', 'Lee, Frank') (39, 'Customer GLLAG', 'Song, Lolan') (40, 'Customer EFFTC', 'De Oliveira, Jose') (41, 'Customer XIIWM', 'Litton, Tim') (42, 'Customer IAIJK', 'Steiner, Dominik') (43, 'Customer UISOJ', 'Deshpande, Anu') (44, 'Customer OXFRU', 'Louverdis, George') (45, 'Customer QXPPT', 'Sunkammurali, Krishna') (46, 'Customer XPNIK', 'Dressler, Marlies') (47, 'Customer PSQUZ', 'Lupu, Cornel') (48, 'Customer DVFMB', 'Szymczak, Radosław') (49, 'Customer CQRAA', 'Duerr, Bernard') (50, 'Customer JYPSC', 'Mace, Donald') (51, 'Customer PVDZC', 'Taylor, Maurice') (52, 'Customer PZNLA', 'Dupont-Roc, Patrice') (53, 'Customer GCJSG', 'Mallit, Ken') (54, 'Customer TDKEG', 'Tiano, Mike') (55, 'Customer KZQZT', 'Egelund-Muller, Anja') (56, 'Customer QNIVZ', 'Marinova, Nadejda') (57, 'Customer WVAXS', 'Tollevsen, Bjørn') (59, 'Customer LOLJO', 'Meston, Tosh') (60, 'Customer QZURI', 'Uppal, Sunil') (61, 'Customer WULWD', 'Florczyk, Krzysztof') (62, 'Customer WFIZJ', 'Misiec, Anna') (63, 'Customer IRRVL', 'Veronesi, Giorgio') (64, 'Customer LWGMD', 'Gaffney, Lawrie') (65, 'Customer NYUHS', 'Moore, Michael') (66, 'Customer LHANT', 'Voss, Florian') (67, 'Customer QVEPD', 'Garden, Euan') (68, 'Customer CCKOT', 'Myrcha, Jacek') (69, 'Customer SIUIH', 'Watters, Jason M.') (70, 'Customer TMXGN', 'Ginters, Kaspars') (71, 'Customer LCOUJ', 'Navarro, Tomás') (73, 'Customer JMIKW', 'Gonzalez, Nuria') (74, 'Customer YSHXL', 'O’Brien, Dave') (75, 'Customer XOJYP', 'Wojciechowska, Agnieszka') (76, 'Customer SFOGW', 'Gulbis, Katrin') (77, 'Customer LCYBZ', 'Osorio, Cristian') (78, 'Customer NLTYP', 'Young, Robin') (79, 'Customer FAPSM', 'Wickham, Jim') (80, 'Customer VONTK', 'Geschwandtner, Jens') (81, 'Customer YQQWW', 'Nagel, Jean-Philippe') (82, 'Customer EYHKM', 'Veninga, Tjeerd') (83, 'Customer ZRNDE', 'Fonteneau, Karl') (84, 'Customer NRCSK', 'Tuntisangaroon, Sittichai') (85, 'Customer ENQZT', 'McLin, Nkenge') (86, 'Customer SNXOJ', 'Syamala, Manoj') (87, 'Customer ZHYOS', 'Ludwig, Michael') (88, 'Customer SRQVM', 'Li, Yan') (89, 'Customer YBQTI', 'Smith Jr., Ronaldo') (90, 'Customer XBBVR', 'Larsson, Katarina') (91, 'Customer CCFIZ', 'Conn, Steve') Size: 88 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT supplierId, contactName, region FROM Supplier WHERE region IS NULL; ('supplierId', 'contactName', 'region') (1, 'Adolphi, Stephan', None) (4, 'Balázs, Erzsébet', None) (6, 'Popkova, Darya', None) (8, 'Iallo, Lucio', None) (9, 'Basalik, Evan', None) (10, 'Barnett, Dave', None) (11, 'Jain, Mukesh', None) (12, 'Regev, Barak', None) (13, 'Brehm, Peter', None) (14, 'Keil, Kendall', None) (15, 'Sałas-Szlejter, Karolina', None) (17, 'Kleinerman, Christian', None) (18, 'Canel, Fabrice', None) (20, 'Köszegi, Emília', None) (21, 'Shakespear, Paul', None) (22, 'Skelly, Bonnie L.', None) (23, 'LaMee, Brian', None) (26, 'Cunha, Gonçalo', None) (27, 'Leoni, Alessandro', None) (28, 'Teper, Jeff', None) Size: 20 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT custId, contactName, region FROM Customer WHERE region IS NOT NULL; ('custId', 'contactName', 'region') (10, 'Bassols, Pilar Colome', 'BC') (15, 'Richardson, Shawn', 'SP') (21, 'Russo, Giuseppe', 'SP') (31, 'Cheng, Yao-Qiang', 'SP') (32, 'Krishnan, Venky', 'OR') (33, 'Sigurdarson, Hallur ', 'DF') (34, 'Cohen, Shy', 'RJ') (35, 'Langohr, Kris', 'Táchira') (36, 'Smith, Denise', 'OR') (37, 'Crăciun, Ovidiu V.', 'Co. Cork') (38, 'Lee, Frank', 'Isle of Wight') (42, 'Steiner, Dominik', 'BC') (43, 'Deshpande, Anu', 'WA') (45, 'Sunkammurali, Krishna', 'CA') (46, 'Dressler, Marlies', 'Lara') (47, 'Lupu, Cornel', 'Nueva Esparta') (48, 'Szymczak, Radosław', 'OR') (51, 'Taylor, Maurice', 'Québec') (55, 'Egelund-Muller, Anja', 'AK') (61, 'Florczyk, Krzysztof', 'RJ') (62, 'Misiec, Anna', 'SP') (65, 'Moore, Michael', 'NM') (67, 'Garden, Euan', 'RJ') (71, 'Navarro, Tomás', 'Id') (75, 'Wojciechowska, Agnieszka', 'WY') (77, 'Osorio, Cristian', 'OR') (78, 'Young, Robin', 'MT') (81, 'Nagel, Jean-Philippe', 'SP') (82, 'Veninga, Tjeerd', 'WA') (88, 'Li, Yan', 'SP') (89, 'Smith Jr., Ronaldo', 'WA') Size: 31 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT employeeId, firstname, lastname FROM Employee LIMIT 3; ('employeeId', 'firstname', 'lastname') (1, 'Sara', 'Davis') (2, 'Don', 'Funk') (3, 'Judy', 'Lew') Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT employeeId, firstname, lastname FROM Employee LIMIT 3, 2; ('employeeId', 'firstname', 'lastname') (4, 'Yael', 'Peled') (5, 'Sven', 'Buck') Size: 2 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT lastName, firstName FROM SalesOrder JOIN Employee Employee USING (employeeId) WHERE lastName = "Buck" GROUP BY employeeId; ('lastName', 'firstName') ('Buck', 'Sven') Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT YEAR(orderDate) AS year, COUNT(*) AS orders FROM SalesOrder GROUP BY year; ('year', 'orders') (2006, 152) (2007, 408) (2008, 270) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT YEAR(orderDate) AS year, SUM(freight) as freight FROM SalesOrder GROUP BY year; ('year', 'freight') (2006, Decimal('10279.87')) (2007, Decimal('32468.77')) (2008, Decimal('22194.05')) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT companyName, COUNT(*) AS shipped FROM SalesOrder JOIN Shipper Shipper USING (shipperId) WHERE YEAR(orderDate) = 2006 GROUP BY companyName ORDER BY shipped DESC; ('companyName', 'shipped') ('Shipper ZHISN', 58) ('Shipper ETYNR', 56) ('Shipper GVSUA', 38) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT companyName, COUNT(*) AS shipped FROM SalesOrder JOIN Shipper Shipper USING (shipperId) WHERE YEAR(orderDate) = 2007 GROUP BY companyName ORDER BY shipped DESC; ('companyName', 'shipped') ('Shipper ETYNR', 153) ('Shipper GVSUA', 133) ('Shipper ZHISN', 122) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT companyName, COUNT(*) AS shipped FROM SalesOrder JOIN Shipper Shipper USING (shipperId) WHERE YEAR(orderDate) = 2008 GROUP BY companyName ORDER BY shipped DESC; ('companyName', 'shipped') ('Shipper ETYNR', 117) ('Shipper GVSUA', 78) ('Shipper ZHISN', 75) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT companyName, COUNT(*) AS shipped FROM SalesOrder JOIN Shipper Shipper USING (shipperId) GROUP BY companyName ORDER BY shipped DESC; ('companyName', 'shipped') ('Shipper ETYNR', 326) ('Shipper ZHISN', 255) ('Shipper GVSUA', 249) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT companyName, COUNT(*) AS shipped FROM SalesOrder JOIN Shipper Shipper USING (shipperId) GROUP BY companyName HAVING shipped > 255; ('companyName', 'shipped') ('Shipper ETYNR', 326) Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName, AVG(discount) AS discounts FROM OrderDetail JOIN Product Product USING (productId) GROUP BY productName HAVING discounts > 0.1 ORDER BY discounts DESC; ('productName', 'discounts') ('Product MYNXN', Decimal('0.108333')) ('Product RECZE', Decimal('0.102273')) Size: 2 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.01 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productName, YEAR(orderDate) AS year, COUNT(*) AS totalOrders FROM OrderDetail INNER JOIN Product Product USING (productId) INNER JOIN SalesOrder SalesOrder USING (orderId) GROUP BY productName, year WITH ROLLUP; ('productName', 'year', 'totalOrders') ('Product ACRVI', 2006, 4) ('Product ACRVI', 2007, 7) ('Product ACRVI', 2008, 7) ('Product ACRVI', None, 18) ('Product AOZBW', 2007, 4) ('Product AOZBW', 2008, 1) ('Product AOZBW', None, 5) ('Product APITJ', 2006, 6) ('Product APITJ', 2007, 19) ('Product APITJ', 2008, 14) ('Product APITJ', None, 39) ('Product AQOKR', 2006, 1) ('Product AQOKR', 2007, 9) ('Product AQOKR', 2008, 4) ('Product AQOKR', None, 14) ('Product ASTMN', 2006, 6) ('Product ASTMN', 2007, 16) ('Product ASTMN', 2008, 10) ('Product ASTMN', None, 32) ('Product BIUDV', 2006, 2) ('Product BIUDV', 2007, 5) ('Product BIUDV', 2008, 3) ('Product BIUDV', None, 10) ('Product BKAZJ', 2006, 5) ('Product BKAZJ', 2007, 6) ('Product BKAZJ', 2008, 2) ('Product BKAZJ', None, 13) ('Product BKGEA', 2006, 7) ('Product BKGEA', 2007, 15) ('Product BKGEA', 2008, 8) ('Product BKGEA', None, 30) ('Product BLCAX', 2006, 8) ('Product BLCAX', 2007, 18) ('Product BLCAX', 2008, 11) ('Product BLCAX', None, 37) ('Product BWRLG', 2006, 7) ('Product BWRLG', 2007, 25) ('Product BWRLG', 2008, 14) ('Product BWRLG', None, 46) ('Product CBRRL', 2006, 4) ('Product CBRRL', 2007, 14) ('Product CBRRL', 2008, 9) ('Product CBRRL', None, 27) ('Product CKEDC', 2006, 5) ('Product CKEDC', 2007, 12) ('Product CKEDC', 2008, 10) ('Product CKEDC', None, 27) ('Product COAXA', 2006, 8) ('Product COAXA', 2007, 18) ('Product COAXA', 2008, 5) ('Product COAXA', None, 31) ('Product CPHFY', 2006, 1) ('Product CPHFY', 2007, 9) ('Product CPHFY', 2008, 4) ('Product CPHFY', None, 14) ('Product EPEIM', 2006, 4) ('Product EPEIM', 2007, 2) ('Product EPEIM', 2008, 4) ('Product EPEIM', None, 10) ('Product EVFFA', 2006, 2) ('Product EVFFA', 2007, 2) ('Product EVFFA', 2008, 2) ('Product EVFFA', None, 6) ('Product EZZPR', 2006, 1) ('Product EZZPR', 2007, 15) ('Product EZZPR', 2008, 5) ('Product EZZPR', None, 21) ('Product FPYPN', 2006, 4) ('Product FPYPN', 2007, 9) ('Product FPYPN', 2008, 8) ('Product FPYPN', None, 21) ('Product GEEOO', 2006, 13) ('Product GEEOO', 2007, 16) ('Product GEEOO', 2008, 9) ('Product GEEOO', None, 38) ('Product GMKIJ', 2006, 8) ('Product GMKIJ', 2007, 15) ('Product GMKIJ', 2008, 8) ('Product GMKIJ', None, 31) ('Product HCQDE', 2006, 4) ('Product HCQDE', 2007, 14) ('Product HCQDE', 2008, 12) ('Product HCQDE', None, 30) ('Product HHYDP', 2006, 6) ('Product HHYDP', 2007, 16) ('Product HHYDP', 2008, 16) ('Product HHYDP', None, 38) ('Product HLGZA', 2006, 4) ('Product HLGZA', 2007, 19) ('Product HLGZA', 2008, 9) ('Product HLGZA', None, 32) ('Product HMLNI', 2006, 2) ('Product HMLNI', 2007, 10) ('Product HMLNI', 2008, 17) ('Product HMLNI', None, 29) ('Product ICKNK', 2006, 4) ('Product ICKNK', 2007, 7) ('Product ICKNK', 2008, 6) ('Product ICKNK', None, 17) ('Product IMEHJ', 2006, 1) ('Product IMEHJ', 2007, 7) ('Product IMEHJ', 2008, 4) ('Product IMEHJ', None, 12) ('Product JLUDZ', 2006, 3) ('Product JLUDZ', 2007, 10) ('Product JLUDZ', 2008, 7) ('Product JLUDZ', None, 20) ('Product JYGFE', 2006, 7) ('Product JYGFE', 2007, 19) ('Product JYGFE', 2008, 13) ('Product JYGFE', None, 39) ('Product KSBRM', 2006, 5) ('Product KSBRM', 2007, 10) ('Product KSBRM', 2008, 5) ('Product KSBRM', None, 20) ('Product KSZOI', 2006, 2) ('Product KSZOI', 2007, 4) ('Product KSZOI', None, 6) ('Product LQMGN', 2006, 1) ('Product LQMGN', 2007, 6) ('Product LQMGN', 2008, 1) ('Product LQMGN', None, 8) ('Product LSOFL', 2006, 8) ('Product LSOFL', 2007, 13) ('Product LSOFL', 2008, 9) ('Product LSOFL', None, 30) ('Product LUNZZ', 2006, 6) ('Product LUNZZ', 2007, 17) ('Product LUNZZ', 2008, 15) ('Product LUNZZ', None, 38) ('Product LYERX', 2006, 7) ('Product LYERX', 2007, 16) ('Product LYERX', 2008, 9) ('Product LYERX', None, 32) ('Product LYLNI', 2006, 4) ('Product LYLNI', 2007, 6) ('Product LYLNI', 2008, 8) ('Product LYLNI', None, 18) ('Product MYMOI', 2006, 11) ('Product MYMOI', 2007, 21) ('Product MYMOI', 2008, 10) ('Product MYMOI', None, 42) ('Product MYNXN', 2007, 5) ('Product MYNXN', 2008, 1) ('Product MYNXN', None, 6) ('Product NEVTJ', 2006, 7) ('Product NEVTJ', 2007, 16) ('Product NEVTJ', 2008, 13) ('Product NEVTJ', None, 36) ('Product NUNAW', 2006, 3) ('Product NUNAW', 2007, 5) ('Product NUNAW', 2008, 7) ('Product NUNAW', None, 15) ('Product OFBNT', 2006, 8) ('Product OFBNT', 2007, 17) ('Product OFBNT', 2008, 8) ('Product OFBNT', None, 33) ('Product OSFNS', 2006, 1) ('Product OSFNS', 2007, 7) ('Product OSFNS', 2008, 6) ('Product OSFNS', None, 14) ('Product OVLQI', 2006, 6) ('Product OVLQI', 2007, 8) ('Product OVLQI', 2008, 9) ('Product OVLQI', None, 23) ('Product PAFRH', 2006, 7) ('Product PAFRH', 2007, 22) ('Product PAFRH', 2008, 14) ('Product PAFRH', None, 43) ('Product POXFU', 2006, 6) ('Product POXFU', 2007, 11) ('Product POXFU', 2008, 23) ('Product POXFU', None, 40) ('Product PWCJB', 2006, 5) ('Product PWCJB', 2007, 15) ('Product PWCJB', 2008, 2) ('Product PWCJB', None, 22) ('Product QAQRL', 2006, 9) ('Product QAQRL', 2007, 22) ('Product QAQRL', 2008, 5) ('Product QAQRL', None, 36) ('Product QDOMO', 2006, 5) ('Product QDOMO', 2007, 10) ('Product QDOMO', 2008, 9) ('Product QDOMO', None, 24) ('Product QHFFP', 2006, 5) ('Product QHFFP', 2007, 4) ('Product QHFFP', 2008, 7) ('Product QHFFP', None, 16) ('Product QMVUN', 2006, 5) ('Product QMVUN', 2007, 21) ('Product QMVUN', 2008, 12) ('Product QMVUN', None, 38) ('Product QOGNU', 2006, 11) ('Product QOGNU', 2007, 19) ('Product QOGNU', 2008, 21) ('Product QOGNU', None, 51) ('Product QSRXF', 2006, 3) ('Product QSRXF', 2007, 15) ('Product QSRXF', 2008, 11) ('Product QSRXF', None, 29) ('Product RECZE', 2006, 8) ('Product RECZE', 2007, 18) ('Product RECZE', 2008, 18) ('Product RECZE', None, 44) ('Product RJVNM', 2006, 5) ('Product RJVNM', 2007, 16) ('Product RJVNM', 2008, 9) ('Product RJVNM', None, 30) ('Product SMIOH', 2006, 2) ('Product SMIOH', 2007, 4) ('Product SMIOH', 2008, 3) ('Product SMIOH', None, 9) ('Product SWNJY', 2006, 5) ('Product SWNJY', 2007, 8) ('Product SWNJY', 2008, 6) ('Product SWNJY', None, 19) ('Product TBTBL', 2006, 9) ('Product TBTBL', 2007, 16) ('Product TBTBL', 2008, 9) ('Product TBTBL', None, 34) ('Product TOONT', 2006, 7) ('Product TOONT', 2007, 17) ('Product TOONT', 2008, 15) ('Product TOONT', None, 39) ('Product TTEEX', 2006, 8) ('Product TTEEX', 2007, 21) ('Product TTEEX', 2008, 18) ('Product TTEEX', None, 47) ('Product UKXRI', 2006, 10) ('Product UKXRI', 2007, 31) ('Product UKXRI', 2008, 13) ('Product UKXRI', None, 54) ('Product VAIIV', 2006, 2) ('Product VAIIV', 2007, 2) ('Product VAIIV', 2008, 8) ('Product VAIIV', None, 12) ('Product VJIEO', 2006, 4) ('Product VJIEO', 2007, 15) ('Product VJIEO', 2008, 5) ('Product VJIEO', None, 24) ('Product VJXYN', 2006, 7) ('Product VJXYN', 2007, 15) ('Product VJXYN', 2008, 10) ('Product VJXYN', None, 32) ('Product VJZZH', 2006, 5) ('Product VJZZH', 2007, 23) ('Product VJZZH', 2008, 11) ('Product VJZZH', None, 39) ('Product VKCMF', 2006, 7) ('Product VKCMF', 2007, 33) ('Product VKCMF', 2008, 10) ('Product VKCMF', None, 50) ('Product WEUJZ', 2006, 1) ('Product WEUJZ', 2007, 11) ('Product WEUJZ', 2008, 2) ('Product WEUJZ', None, 14) ('Product WHBYK', 2006, 11) ('Product WHBYK', 2007, 21) ('Product WHBYK', 2008, 19) ('Product WHBYK', None, 51) ('Product WUXYK', 2006, 11) ('Product WUXYK', 2007, 22) ('Product WUXYK', 2008, 15) ('Product WUXYK', None, 48) ('Product WVJFP', 2006, 2) ('Product WVJFP', 2007, 5) ('Product WVJFP', 2008, 6) ('Product WVJFP', None, 13) ('Product XKXDO', 2006, 5) ('Product XKXDO', 2007, 21) ('Product XKXDO', 2008, 11) ('Product XKXDO', None, 37) ('Product XLXQF', 2006, 1) ('Product XLXQF', 2007, 4) ('Product XLXQF', 2008, 5) ('Product XLXQF', None, 10) ('Product XWOXC', 2006, 13) ('Product XWOXC', 2007, 26) ('Product XWOXC', 2008, 12) ('Product XWOXC', None, 51) ('Product XYWBZ', 2006, 8) ('Product XYWBZ', 2007, 18) ('Product XYWBZ', 2008, 6) ('Product XYWBZ', None, 32) ('Product XYZPE', 2007, 13) ('Product XYZPE', 2008, 11) ('Product XYZPE', None, 24) ('Product YHXGE', 2006, 4) ('Product YHXGE', 2007, 19) ('Product YHXGE', 2008, 10) ('Product YHXGE', None, 33) ('Product YYWRT', 2006, 6) ('Product YYWRT', 2007, 16) ('Product YYWRT', 2008, 11) ('Product YYWRT', None, 33) ('Product YZIXQ', 2006, 6) ('Product YZIXQ', 2007, 25) ('Product YZIXQ', 2008, 10) ('Product YZIXQ', None, 41) ('Product ZZZHR', 2006, 6) ('Product ZZZHR', 2007, 11) ('Product ZZZHR', 2008, 11) ('Product ZZZHR', None, 28) (None, None, 2155) Size: 305 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.02 | |
-----------------------------Captured stdout setup------------------------------ SQL query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TotalSales; () NO DATA Size: 0 SQL query: CREATE TABLE TotalSales SELECT productName, YEAR(orderDate) AS year, COUNT(*) AS totalOrders, SUM(OrderDetail.unitPrice * quantity) AS totalPrice FROM OrderDetail INNER JOIN Product USING (productId) INNER JOIN SalesOrder USING (orderId) GROUP BY productName, year; () NO DATA Size: 0 ------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT IF(GROUPING(productName), "All products", productName) AS product, IF(GROUPING(year), "All years", year) AS year, SUM(totalOrders) AS totalOrders, SUM(totalPrice) AS totalPrice FROM TotalSales GROUP BY productName, year WITH ROLLUP; ('product', 'year', 'totalOrders', 'totalPrice') ('Product ACRVI', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1643.00')) ('Product ACRVI', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2345.25')) ('Product ACRVI', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2676.50')) ('Product ACRVI', 'All years', Decimal('18'), Decimal('6664.75')) ('Product AOZBW', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('8536.00')) ('Product AOZBW', '2008', Decimal('1'), Decimal('291.00')) ('Product AOZBW', 'All years', Decimal('5'), Decimal('8827.00')) ('Product APITJ', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('6911.20')) ('Product APITJ', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('26065.40')) ('Product APITJ', '2008', Decimal('14'), Decimal('11766.00')) ('Product APITJ', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('44742.60')) ('Product AQOKR', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('114.00')) ('Product AQOKR', '2007', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3667.00')) ('Product AQOKR', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('959.50')) ('Product AQOKR', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('4740.50')) ('Product ASTMN', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('394.00')) ('Product ASTMN', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('814.50')) ('Product ASTMN', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('505.00')) ('Product ASTMN', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('1713.50')) ('Product BIUDV', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('390.00')) ('Product BIUDV', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('2226.25')) ('Product BIUDV', '2008', Decimal('3'), Decimal('893.75')) ('Product BIUDV', 'All years', Decimal('10'), Decimal('3510.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1128.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', '2007', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1038.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('400.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', 'All years', Decimal('13'), Decimal('2566.00')) ('Product BKGEA', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('5528.20')) ('Product BKGEA', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('10766.80')) ('Product BKGEA', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('5215.20')) ('Product BKGEA', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('21510.20')) ('Product BLCAX', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('7300.80')) ('Product BLCAX', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('19718.40')) ('Product BLCAX', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('8463.00')) ('Product BLCAX', 'All years', Decimal('37'), Decimal('35482.20')) ('Product BWRLG', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('744.00')) ('Product BWRLG', '2007', Decimal('25'), Decimal('4767.80')) ('Product BWRLG', '2008', Decimal('14'), Decimal('3138.75')) ('Product BWRLG', 'All years', Decimal('46'), Decimal('8650.55')) ('Product CBRRL', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1132.80')) ('Product CBRRL', '2007', Decimal('14'), Decimal('3079.20')) ('Product CBRRL', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('1932.00')) ('Product CBRRL', 'All years', Decimal('27'), Decimal('6144.00')) ('Product CKEDC', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('5300.00')) ('Product CKEDC', '2007', Decimal('12'), Decimal('17250.00')) ('Product CKEDC', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('9437.50')) ('Product CKEDC', 'All years', Decimal('27'), Decimal('31987.50')) ('Product COAXA', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4291.20')) ('Product COAXA', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('15156.00')) ('Product COAXA', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('4860.00')) ('Product COAXA', 'All years', Decimal('31'), Decimal('24307.20')) ('Product CPHFY', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('100.80')) ('Product CPHFY', '2007', Decimal('9'), Decimal('4338.60')) ('Product CPHFY', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2793.00')) ('Product CPHFY', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('7232.40')) ('Product EPEIM', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2193.00')) ('Product EPEIM', '2007', Decimal('2'), Decimal('405.65')) ('Product EPEIM', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3202.50')) ('Product EPEIM', 'All years', Decimal('10'), Decimal('5801.15')) ('Product EVFFA', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('603.20')) ('Product EVFFA', '2007', Decimal('2'), Decimal('676.00')) ('Product EVFFA', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('1768.00')) ('Product EVFFA', 'All years', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3047.20')) ('Product EZZPR', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('121.60')) ('Product EZZPR', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('3192.00')) ('Product EZZPR', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1045.00')) ('Product EZZPR', 'All years', Decimal('21'), Decimal('4358.60')) ('Product FPYPN', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1920.00')) ('Product FPYPN', '2007', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3240.00')) ('Product FPYPN', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4340.00')) ('Product FPYPN', 'All years', Decimal('21'), Decimal('9500.00')) ('Product GEEOO', '2006', Decimal('13'), Decimal('7263.00')) ('Product GEEOO', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('11759.40')) ('Product GEEOO', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('6716.40')) ('Product GEEOO', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('25738.80')) ('Product GMKIJ', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2933.60')) ('Product GMKIJ', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('7163.00')) ('Product GMKIJ', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4446.00')) ('Product GMKIJ', 'All years', Decimal('31'), Decimal('14542.60')) ('Product HCQDE', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3298.40')) ('Product HCQDE', '2007', Decimal('14'), Decimal('8571.85')) ('Product HCQDE', '2008', Decimal('12'), Decimal('11138.75')) ('Product HCQDE', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('23009.00')) ('Product HHYDP', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1800.00')) ('Product HHYDP', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('5295.60')) ('Product HHYDP', '2008', Decimal('16'), Decimal('7182.00')) ('Product HHYDP', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('14277.60')) ('Product HLGZA', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3984.00')) ('Product HLGZA', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('10961.37')) ('Product HLGZA', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('6589.53')) ('Product HLGZA', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('21534.90')) ('Product HMLNI', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('600.00')) ('Product HMLNI', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('9444.00')) ('Product HMLNI', '2008', Decimal('17'), Decimal('12420.00')) ('Product HMLNI', 'All years', Decimal('29'), Decimal('22464.00')) ('Product ICKNK', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3825.90')) ('Product ICKNK', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('7417.10')) ('Product ICKNK', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('6453.30')) ('Product ICKNK', 'All years', Decimal('17'), Decimal('17696.30')) ('Product IMEHJ', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('240.00')) ('Product IMEHJ', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('1760.00')) ('Product IMEHJ', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1080.00')) ('Product IMEHJ', 'All years', Decimal('12'), Decimal('3080.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', '2006', Decimal('3'), Decimal('756.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('2392.20')) ('Product JLUDZ', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('1692.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', 'All years', Decimal('20'), Decimal('4840.20')) ('Product JYGFE', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2102.40')) ('Product JYGFE', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('7707.60')) ('Product JYGFE', '2008', Decimal('13'), Decimal('6984.00')) ('Product JYGFE', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('16794.00')) ('Product KSBRM', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1883.20')) ('Product KSBRM', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('5737.60')) ('Product KSBRM', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1804.00')) ('Product KSBRM', 'All years', Decimal('20'), Decimal('9424.80')) ('Product KSZOI', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('310.00')) ('Product KSZOI', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1503.50')) ('Product KSZOI', 'All years', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1813.50')) ('Product LQMGN', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('408.00')) ('Product LQMGN', '2007', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3094.00')) ('Product LQMGN', '2008', Decimal('1'), Decimal('17.00')) ('Product LQMGN', 'All years', Decimal('8'), Decimal('3519.00')) ('Product LSOFL', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('3830.40')) ('Product LSOFL', '2007', Decimal('13'), Decimal('4928.40')) ('Product LSOFL', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('4392.00')) ('Product LSOFL', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('13150.80')) ('Product LUNZZ', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('655.20')) ('Product LUNZZ', '2007', Decimal('17'), Decimal('5181.80')) ('Product LUNZZ', '2008', Decimal('15'), Decimal('3848.00')) ('Product LUNZZ', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('9685.00')) ('Product LYERX', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('3146.40')) ('Product LYERX', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('6554.70')) ('Product LYERX', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('5074.44')) ('Product LYERX', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('14775.54')) ('Product LYLNI', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('795.20')) ('Product LYLNI', '2007', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1926.40')) ('Product LYLNI', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('1330.00')) ('Product LYLNI', 'All years', Decimal('18'), Decimal('4051.60')) ('Product MYMOI', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('4489.20')) ('Product MYMOI', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('9034.30')) ('Product MYMOI', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('7353.00')) ('Product MYMOI', 'All years', Decimal('42'), Decimal('20876.50')) ('Product MYNXN', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1440.75')) ('Product MYNXN', '2008', Decimal('1'), Decimal('102.00')) ('Product MYNXN', 'All years', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1542.75')) ('Product NEVTJ', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('3945.60')) ('Product NEVTJ', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('5857.20')) ('Product NEVTJ', '2008', Decimal('13'), Decimal('4734.00')) ('Product NEVTJ', 'All years', Decimal('36'), Decimal('14536.80')) ('Product NUNAW', '2006', Decimal('3'), Decimal('1331.20')) ('Product NUNAW', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('3136.00')) ('Product NUNAW', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('4704.00')) ('Product NUNAW', 'All years', Decimal('15'), Decimal('9171.20')) ('Product OFBNT', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4914.00')) ('Product OFBNT', '2007', Decimal('17'), Decimal('14610.00')) ('Product OFBNT', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('7341.60')) ('Product OFBNT', 'All years', Decimal('33'), Decimal('26865.60')) ('Product OSFNS', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('364.80')) ('Product OSFNS', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('8854.00')) ('Product OSFNS', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3648.00')) ('Product OSFNS', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('12866.80')) ('Product OVLQI', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('2074.80')) ('Product OVLQI', '2007', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2281.50')) ('Product OVLQI', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3451.50')) ('Product OVLQI', 'All years', Decimal('23'), Decimal('7807.80')) ('Product PAFRH', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('3502.80')) ('Product PAFRH', '2007', Decimal('22'), Decimal('9399.50')) ('Product PAFRH', '2008', Decimal('14'), Decimal('5845.75')) ('Product PAFRH', 'All years', Decimal('43'), Decimal('18748.05')) ('Product POXFU', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('432.00')) ('Product POXFU', '2007', Decimal('11'), Decimal('848.40')) ('Product POXFU', '2008', Decimal('23'), Decimal('3954.00')) ('Product POXFU', 'All years', Decimal('40'), Decimal('5234.40')) ('Product PWCJB', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1581.00')) ('Product PWCJB', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('6561.15')) ('Product PWCJB', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('488.25')) ('Product PWCJB', 'All years', Decimal('22'), Decimal('8630.40')) ('Product QAQRL', '2006', Decimal('9'), Decimal('908.60')) ('Product QAQRL', '2007', Decimal('22'), Decimal('3415.25')) ('Product QAQRL', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('797.15')) ('Product QAQRL', 'All years', Decimal('36'), Decimal('5121.00')) ('Product QDOMO', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('29512.00')) ('Product QDOMO', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('51962.20')) ('Product QDOMO', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('68510.00')) ('Product QDOMO', 'All years', Decimal('24'), Decimal('149984.20')) ('Product QHFFP', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('6868.80')) ('Product QHFFP', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('7776.00')) ('Product QHFFP', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('8991.00')) ('Product QHFFP', 'All years', Decimal('16'), Decimal('23635.80')) ('Product QMVUN', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1814.40')) ('Product QMVUN', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('7425.60')) ('Product QMVUN', '2008', Decimal('12'), Decimal('4662.00')) ('Product QMVUN', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('13902.00')) ('Product QOGNU', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('568.80')) ('Product QOGNU', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('1756.80')) ('Product QOGNU', '2008', Decimal('21'), Decimal('2457.00')) ('Product QOGNU', 'All years', Decimal('51'), Decimal('4782.60')) ('Product QSRXF', '2006', Decimal('3'), Decimal('268.80')) ('Product QSRXF', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('2142.00')) ('Product QSRXF', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('973.00')) ('Product QSRXF', 'All years', Decimal('29'), Decimal('3383.80')) ('Product RECZE', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('3435.20')) ('Product RECZE', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('7600.00')) ('Product RECZE', '2008', Decimal('18'), Decimal('7524.00')) ('Product RECZE', 'All years', Decimal('44'), Decimal('18559.20')) ('Product RJVNM', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('400.40')) ('Product RJVNM', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('6006.00')) ('Product RJVNM', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('2926.00')) ('Product RJVNM', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('9332.40')) ('Product SMIOH', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('1404.00')) ('Product SMIOH', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('10974.00')) ('Product SMIOH', '2008', Decimal('3'), Decimal('2853.50')) ('Product SMIOH', 'All years', Decimal('9'), Decimal('15231.50')) ('Product SWNJY', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1008.00')) ('Product SWNJY', '2007', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2240.00')) ('Product SWNJY', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3430.00')) ('Product SWNJY', 'All years', Decimal('19'), Decimal('6678.00')) ('Product TBTBL', '2006', Decimal('9'), Decimal('1330.00')) ('Product TBTBL', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('4520.00')) ('Product TBTBL', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3512.50')) ('Product TBTBL', 'All years', Decimal('34'), Decimal('9362.50')) ('Product TOONT', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('1872.00')) ('Product TOONT', '2007', Decimal('17'), Decimal('5880.00')) ('Product TOONT', '2008', Decimal('15'), Decimal('3720.00')) ('Product TOONT', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('11472.00')) ('Product TTEEX', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('877.80')) ('Product TTEEX', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('5151.60')) ('Product TTEEX', '2008', Decimal('18'), Decimal('3068.70')) ('Product TTEEX', 'All years', Decimal('47'), Decimal('9098.10')) ('Product UKXRI', '2006', Decimal('10'), Decimal('10164.00')) ('Product UKXRI', '2007', Decimal('31'), Decimal('37917.00')) ('Product UKXRI', '2008', Decimal('13'), Decimal('28215.00')) ('Product UKXRI', 'All years', Decimal('54'), Decimal('76296.00')) ('Product VAIIV', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('720.00')) ('Product VAIIV', '2007', Decimal('2'), Decimal('2500.00')) ('Product VAIIV', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4125.00')) ('Product VAIIV', 'All years', Decimal('12'), Decimal('7345.00')) ('Product VJIEO', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2139.00')) ('Product VJIEO', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('7082.05')) ('Product VJIEO', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1303.15')) ('Product VJIEO', 'All years', Decimal('24'), Decimal('10524.20')) ('Product VJXYN', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('12177.00')) ('Product VJXYN', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('36194.18')) ('Product VJXYN', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('39365.22')) ('Product VJXYN', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('87736.40')) ('Product VJZZH', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('440.00')) ('Product VJZZH', '2007', Decimal('23'), Decimal('5686.00')) ('Product VJZZH', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('3510.00')) ('Product VJZZH', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('9636.00')) ('Product VKCMF', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2918.40')) ('Product VKCMF', '2007', Decimal('33'), Decimal('34754.80')) ('Product VKCMF', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('7448.00')) ('Product VKCMF', 'All years', Decimal('50'), Decimal('45121.20')) ('Product WEUJZ', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('300.00')) ('Product WEUJZ', '2007', Decimal('11'), Decimal('3720.00')) ('Product WEUJZ', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('180.00')) ('Product WEUJZ', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('4200.00')) ('Product WHBYK', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('10064.00')) ('Product WHBYK', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('21794.00')) ('Product WHBYK', '2008', Decimal('19'), Decimal('18428.00')) ('Product WHBYK', 'All years', Decimal('51'), Decimal('50286.00')) ('Product WUXYK', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('9850.00')) ('Product WUXYK', '2007', Decimal('22'), Decimal('22673.60')) ('Product WUXYK', '2008', Decimal('15'), Decimal('17304.30')) ('Product WUXYK', 'All years', Decimal('48'), Decimal('49827.90')) ('Product WVJFP', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('4480.00')) ('Product WVJFP', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('4560.00')) ('Product WVJFP', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('4720.00')) ('Product WVJFP', 'All years', Decimal('13'), Decimal('13760.00')) ('Product XKXDO', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('905.20')) ('Product XKXDO', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('3211.90')) ('Product XKXDO', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('2042.40')) ('Product XKXDO', 'All years', Decimal('37'), Decimal('6159.50')) ('Product XLXQF', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('56.00')) ('Product XLXQF', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('910.00')) ('Product XLXQF', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1596.00')) ('Product XLXQF', 'All years', Decimal('10'), Decimal('2562.00')) ('Product XWOXC', '2006', Decimal('13'), Decimal('4440.00')) ('Product XWOXC', '2007', Decimal('26'), Decimal('8020.00')) ('Product XWOXC', '2008', Decimal('12'), Decimal('3712.50')) ('Product XWOXC', 'All years', Decimal('51'), Decimal('16172.50')) ('Product XYWBZ', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2604.00')) ('Product XYWBZ', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('9898.00')) ('Product XYWBZ', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('2105.00')) ('Product XYWBZ', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('14607.00')) ('Product XYZPE', '2007', Decimal('13'), Decimal('10539.30')) ('Product XYZPE', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('5899.50')) ('Product XYZPE', 'All years', Decimal('24'), Decimal('16438.80')) ('Product YHXGE', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2108.00')) ('Product YHXGE', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('10391.20')) ('Product YHXGE', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('9641.00')) ('Product YHXGE', 'All years', Decimal('33'), Decimal('22140.20')) ('Product YYWRT', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('4377.60')) ('Product YYWRT', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('8990.40')) ('Product YYWRT', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('6144.00')) ('Product YYWRT', 'All years', Decimal('33'), Decimal('19512.00')) ('Product YZIXQ', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('2998.80')) ('Product YZIXQ', '2007', Decimal('25'), Decimal('10474.30')) ('Product YZIXQ', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('5575.20')) ('Product YZIXQ', 'All years', Decimal('41'), Decimal('19048.30')) ('Product ZZZHR', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('5004.80')) ('Product ZZZHR', '2007', Decimal('11'), Decimal('11518.40')) ('Product ZZZHR', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('8556.00')) ('Product ZZZHR', 'All years', Decimal('28'), Decimal('25079.20')) ('All products', 'All years', Decimal('2155'), Decimal('1354458.59')) Size: 305 ----------------------------Captured stdout teardown---------------------------- SQL query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TotalSales; () NO DATA Size: 0 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT * FROM Category; ('categoryId', 'categoryName', 'description', 'picture') (1, 'Beverages', b'Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales', None) (2, 'Condiments', b'Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings', None) (3, 'Confections', b'Desserts, candies, and sweet breads', None) (4, 'Dairy Products', b'Cheeses', None) (5, 'Grains/Cereals', b'Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal', None) (6, 'Meat/Poultry', b'Prepared meats', None) (7, 'Produce', b'Dried fruit and bean curd', None) (8, 'Seafood', b'Seaweed and fish', None) Size: 8 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT contactName FROM Customer; ('contactName',) ('Allen, Michael',) ('Hassall, Mark',) ('Peoples, John',) ('Arndt, Torsten',) ('Higginbotham, Tom',) ('Poland, Carole',) ('Bansal, Dushyant',) ('Ilyina, Julia',) ('Raghav, Amritansh',) ('Bassols, Pilar Colome',) ('Jaffe, David',) ('Ray, Mike',) ('Benito, Almudena',) ('Jelitto, Jacek',) ('Richardson, Shawn',) ('Birkby, Dana',) ('Jones, TiAnna',) ('Rizaldy, Arif',) ('Boseman, Randall',) ('Kane, John',) ('Russo, Giuseppe',) ('Bueno, Janaina Burdan, Neville',) ('Khanna, Karan',) ('San Juan, Patricia',) ('Carlson, Jason',) ('Koch, Paul',) ('Schmöllerl, Martin',) ('Cavaglieri, Giorgio',) ('Kolesnikova, Katerina',) ('Shabalin, Rostislav',) ('Cheng, Yao-Qiang',) ('Krishnan, Venky',) ('Sigurdarson, Hallur ',) ('Cohen, Shy',) ('Langohr, Kris',) ('Smith, Denise',) ('Crăciun, Ovidiu V.',) ('Lee, Frank',) ('Song, Lolan',) ('De Oliveira, Jose',) ('Litton, Tim',) ('Steiner, Dominik',) ('Deshpande, Anu',) ('Louverdis, George',) ('Sunkammurali, Krishna',) ('Dressler, Marlies',) ('Lupu, Cornel',) ('Szymczak, Radosław',) ('Duerr, Bernard',) ('Mace, Donald',) ('Taylor, Maurice',) ('Dupont-Roc, Patrice',) ('Mallit, Ken',) ('Tiano, Mike',) ('Egelund-Muller, Anja',) ('Marinova, Nadejda',) ('Tollevsen, Bjørn',) ('Fakhouri, Fadi',) ('Meston, Tosh',) ('Uppal, Sunil',) ('Florczyk, Krzysztof',) ('Misiec, Anna',) ('Veronesi, Giorgio',) ('Gaffney, Lawrie',) ('Moore, Michael',) ('Voss, Florian',) ('Garden, Euan',) ('Myrcha, Jacek',) ('Watters, Jason M.',) ('Ginters, Kaspars',) ('Navarro, Tomás',) ('Welcker, Brian',) ('Gonzalez, Nuria',) ('O’Brien, Dave',) ('Wojciechowska, Agnieszka',) ('Gulbis, Katrin',) ('Osorio, Cristian',) ('Young, Robin',) ('Wickham, Jim',) ('Geschwandtner, Jens',) ('Nagel, Jean-Philippe',) ('Veninga, Tjeerd',) ('Fonteneau, Karl',) ('Tuntisangaroon, Sittichai',) ('McLin, Nkenge',) ('Syamala, Manoj',) ('Ludwig, Michael',) ('Li, Yan',) ('Smith Jr., Ronaldo',) ('Larsson, Katarina',) ('Conn, Steve',) Size: 91 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT employeeId, firstName, lastName FROM Employee LIMIT 3; ('employeeId', 'firstName', 'lastName') (1, 'Sara', 'Davis') (2, 'Don', 'Funk') (3, 'Judy', 'Lew') Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT * FROM OrderDetail ORDER BY unitPrice DESC, orderId ASC LIMIT 10; ('orderDetailId', 'orderId', 'productId', 'unitPrice', 'quantity', 'discount') (714, 10518, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 15, Decimal('0.00')) (783, 10540, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 30, Decimal('0.00')) (786, 10541, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 4, Decimal('0.10')) (972, 10616, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 15, Decimal('0.05')) (1116, 10672, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 15, Decimal('0.10')) (1404, 10783, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 5, Decimal('0.00')) (1460, 10805, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 10, Decimal('0.00')) (1484, 10816, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 30, Decimal('0.05')) (1487, 10817, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 30, Decimal('0.00')) (1512, 10828, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 2, Decimal('0.00')) Size: 10 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT * FROM OrderDetail ORDER BY unitPrice DESC, quantity DESC, orderId DESC LIMIT 20; ('orderDetailId', 'orderId', 'productId', 'unitPrice', 'quantity', 'discount') (1894, 10981, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 60, Decimal('0.00')) (1621, 10865, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 60, Decimal('0.05')) (1679, 10889, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 40, Decimal('0.00')) (1487, 10817, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 30, Decimal('0.00')) (1484, 10816, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 30, Decimal('0.05')) (783, 10540, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 30, Decimal('0.00')) (2028, 11032, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 25, Decimal('0.00')) (1116, 10672, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 15, Decimal('0.10')) (972, 10616, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 15, Decimal('0.05')) (714, 10518, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 15, Decimal('0.00')) (1460, 10805, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 10, Decimal('0.00')) (1523, 10831, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 8, Decimal('0.00')) (1856, 10964, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 5, Decimal('0.00')) (1404, 10783, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 5, Decimal('0.00')) (786, 10541, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 4, Decimal('0.10')) (1512, 10828, 38, Decimal('263.50'), 2, Decimal('0.00')) (450, 10417, 38, Decimal('210.80'), 50, Decimal('0.00')) (282, 10353, 38, Decimal('210.80'), 50, Decimal('0.20')) (472, 10424, 38, Decimal('210.80'), 49, Decimal('0.20')) (332, 10372, 38, Decimal('210.80'), 40, Decimal('0.25')) Size: 20 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT CONCAT(lastname, " ", firstname) AS employeeName FROM Employee ORDER BY lastname ASC; ('employeeName',) ('Buck Sven',) ('Cameron Maria',) ('Davis Sara',) ('Dolgopyatova Zoya',) ('Funk Don',) ('King Russell',) ('Lew Judy',) ('Peled Yael',) ('Suurs Paul',) Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT CONCAT(lastname, " ", firstname) AS employeeName, birthDate FROM Employee ORDER BY birthDate DESC; ('employeeName', 'birthDate') ('Dolgopyatova Zoya', datetime.datetime(1976, 1, 27, 0, 0)) ('Lew Judy', datetime.datetime(1973, 8, 30, 0, 0)) ('Suurs Paul', datetime.datetime(1973, 7, 2, 0, 0)) ('King Russell', datetime.datetime(1970, 5, 29, 0, 0)) ('Cameron Maria', datetime.datetime(1968, 1, 9, 0, 0)) ('Buck Sven', datetime.datetime(1965, 3, 4, 0, 0)) ('Funk Don', datetime.datetime(1962, 2, 19, 0, 0)) ('Davis Sara', datetime.datetime(1958, 12, 8, 0, 0)) ('Peled Yael', datetime.datetime(1947, 9, 19, 0, 0)) Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT employeeId, firstName, lastName, FLOOR((DATEDIFF(hireDate, birthDate) / 365)) AS employmentAge FROM Employee ORDER BY employmentAge DESC) AS EmpDate; ('employeeId', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'employmentAge') (4, 'Yael', 'Peled', 55) (1, 'Sara', 'Davis', 43) (2, 'Don', 'Funk', 40) (5, 'Sven', 'Buck', 38) (8, 'Maria', 'Cameron', 36) (7, 'Russell', 'King', 33) (6, 'Paul', 'Suurs', 30) (3, 'Judy', 'Lew', 28) (9, 'Zoya', 'Dolgopyatova', 28) Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT MAX(employmentAge) AS maxAge, MIN(employmentAge) AS minAge,AVG(employmentAge) FROM (SELECT employeeId, firstName, lastName, FLOOR((DATEDIFF(hireDate, birthDate) / 365)) AS employmentAge FROM Employee ORDER BY employmentAge DESC) AS EmpDate; ('maxAge', 'minAge', 'AVG(employmentAge)') (55, 28, Decimal('36.7778')) Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT productId, productName, unitPrice FROM Product WHERE unitPrice > (SELECT AVG(unitPrice) FROM OrderDetail); ('productId', 'productName', 'unitPrice') (7, 'Product HMLNI', Decimal('30.00')) (8, 'Product WVJFP', Decimal('40.00')) (9, 'Product AOZBW', Decimal('97.00')) (10, 'Product YHXGE', Decimal('31.00')) (12, 'Product OSFNS', Decimal('38.00')) (17, 'Product BLCAX', Decimal('39.00')) (18, 'Product CKEDC', Decimal('62.50')) (20, 'Product QHFFP', Decimal('81.00')) (26, 'Product HLGZA', Decimal('31.23')) (27, 'Product SMIOH', Decimal('43.90')) (28, 'Product OFBNT', Decimal('45.60')) (29, 'Product VJXYN', Decimal('123.79')) (32, 'Product NUNAW', Decimal('32.00')) (38, 'Product QDOMO', Decimal('263.50')) (43, 'Product ZZZHR', Decimal('46.00')) (51, 'Product APITJ', Decimal('53.00')) (53, 'Product BKGEA', Decimal('32.80')) (56, 'Product VKCMF', Decimal('38.00')) (59, 'Product UKXRI', Decimal('55.00')) (60, 'Product WHBYK', Decimal('34.00')) (61, 'Product XYZPE', Decimal('28.50')) (62, 'Product WUXYK', Decimal('49.30')) (63, 'Product ICKNK', Decimal('43.90')) (64, 'Product HCQDE', Decimal('33.25')) (69, 'Product COAXA', Decimal('36.00')) (72, 'Product GEEOO', Decimal('34.80')) Size: 26 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT custId, contactName, companyName, country, phone FROM Customer WHERE EXISTS( SELECT custId FROM (SELECT custId, COUNT(*) AS orders FROM SalesOrder GROUP BY custId) AS CustomerOrders WHERE orders > 15 AND Customer.custId = CustomerOrders.custId); ('custId', 'contactName', 'companyName', 'country', 'phone') (5, 'Higginbotham, Tom', 'Customer HGVLZ', 'Sweden', '0921-67 89 01') (9, 'Raghav, Amritansh', 'Customer RTXGC', 'France', '') (20, 'Kane, John', 'Customer THHDP', 'Austria', '1234-5678') (24, 'San Juan, Patricia', 'Customer CYZTN', 'Sweden', '0695-67 89 01') (35, 'Langohr, Kris', 'Customer UMTLM', 'Venezuela', '(5) 567-8901') (37, 'Crăciun, Ovidiu V.', 'Customer FRXZL', 'Ireland', '8901 234') (63, 'Veronesi, Giorgio', 'Customer IRRVL', 'Germany', '0372-12345') (65, 'Moore, Michael', 'Customer NYUHS', 'USA', '(505) 555-0125') (71, 'Navarro, Tomás', 'Customer LCOUJ', 'USA', '(208) 555-0116') Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT employeeId, firstName, lastName, ordersQuantity, totalPrice FROM (SELECT employeeId, SUM(quantity) AS ordersQuantity, SUM(unitPrice * quantity) AS totalPrice FROM OrderDetail INNER JOIN SalesOrder USING (orderId) INNER JOIN Employee USING (employeeId) GROUP BY employeeId) AS empQuantity INNER JOIN Employee USING (employeeId) ORDER BY ordersQuantity DESC; ('employeeId', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'ordersQuantity', 'totalPrice') (4, 'Yael', 'Peled', Decimal('9798'), Decimal('250187.45')) (3, 'Judy', 'Lew', Decimal('7852'), Decimal('213051.30')) (1, 'Sara', 'Davis', Decimal('7812'), Decimal('202143.71')) (2, 'Don', 'Funk', Decimal('6055'), Decimal('177749.26')) (8, 'Maria', 'Cameron', Decimal('5913'), Decimal('133301.03')) (7, 'Russell', 'King', Decimal('4654'), Decimal('141295.99')) (6, 'Paul', 'Suurs', Decimal('3527'), Decimal('78198.10')) (5, 'Sven', 'Buck', Decimal('3036'), Decimal('75567.75')) (9, 'Zoya', 'Dolgopyatova', Decimal('2670'), Decimal('82964.00')) Size: 9 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT employeeId, firstName, lastName, ordersQuantity, totalPrice FROM (SELECT employeeId, SUM(quantity) AS ordersQuantity, SUM(unitPrice * quantity) AS totalPrice FROM OrderDetail INNER JOIN SalesOrder USING (orderId) INNER JOIN Employee USING (employeeId) GROUP BY employeeId HAVING totalPrice > 200000) AS empQuantity INNER JOIN Employee USING (employeeId) ORDER BY ordersQuantity DESC; ('employeeId', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'ordersQuantity', 'totalPrice') (4, 'Yael', 'Peled', Decimal('9798'), Decimal('250187.45')) (3, 'Judy', 'Lew', Decimal('7852'), Decimal('213051.30')) (1, 'Sara', 'Davis', Decimal('7812'), Decimal('202143.71')) Size: 3 | |||
Passed | test/mysql/ | 0.01 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL query: SELECT IF(GROUPING(productName), "All products", productName) AS product, IF(GROUPING(year), "All years", year) AS year, SUM(totalOrders) AS totalOrders, SUM(totalPrice) AS totalPrice FROM (SELECT productName, YEAR(orderDate) AS year, COUNT(*) AS totalOrders, SUM(OrderDetail.unitPrice * quantity) AS totalPrice FROM OrderDetail INNER JOIN Product USING (productId) INNER JOIN SalesOrder USING (orderId) GROUP BY productName, year) AS TotalSales GROUP BY productName, year WITH ROLLUP; ('product', 'year', 'totalOrders', 'totalPrice') ('Product ACRVI', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1643.00')) ('Product ACRVI', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2345.25')) ('Product ACRVI', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2676.50')) ('Product ACRVI', 'All years', Decimal('18'), Decimal('6664.75')) ('Product AOZBW', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('8536.00')) ('Product AOZBW', '2008', Decimal('1'), Decimal('291.00')) ('Product AOZBW', 'All years', Decimal('5'), Decimal('8827.00')) ('Product APITJ', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('6911.20')) ('Product APITJ', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('26065.40')) ('Product APITJ', '2008', Decimal('14'), Decimal('11766.00')) ('Product APITJ', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('44742.60')) ('Product AQOKR', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('114.00')) ('Product AQOKR', '2007', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3667.00')) ('Product AQOKR', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('959.50')) ('Product AQOKR', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('4740.50')) ('Product ASTMN', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('394.00')) ('Product ASTMN', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('814.50')) ('Product ASTMN', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('505.00')) ('Product ASTMN', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('1713.50')) ('Product BIUDV', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('390.00')) ('Product BIUDV', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('2226.25')) ('Product BIUDV', '2008', Decimal('3'), Decimal('893.75')) ('Product BIUDV', 'All years', Decimal('10'), Decimal('3510.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1128.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', '2007', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1038.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('400.00')) ('Product BKAZJ', 'All years', Decimal('13'), Decimal('2566.00')) ('Product BKGEA', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('5528.20')) ('Product BKGEA', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('10766.80')) ('Product BKGEA', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('5215.20')) ('Product BKGEA', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('21510.20')) ('Product BLCAX', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('7300.80')) ('Product BLCAX', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('19718.40')) ('Product BLCAX', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('8463.00')) ('Product BLCAX', 'All years', Decimal('37'), Decimal('35482.20')) ('Product BWRLG', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('744.00')) ('Product BWRLG', '2007', Decimal('25'), Decimal('4767.80')) ('Product BWRLG', '2008', Decimal('14'), Decimal('3138.75')) ('Product BWRLG', 'All years', Decimal('46'), Decimal('8650.55')) ('Product CBRRL', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1132.80')) ('Product CBRRL', '2007', Decimal('14'), Decimal('3079.20')) ('Product CBRRL', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('1932.00')) ('Product CBRRL', 'All years', Decimal('27'), Decimal('6144.00')) ('Product CKEDC', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('5300.00')) ('Product CKEDC', '2007', Decimal('12'), Decimal('17250.00')) ('Product CKEDC', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('9437.50')) ('Product CKEDC', 'All years', Decimal('27'), Decimal('31987.50')) ('Product COAXA', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4291.20')) ('Product COAXA', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('15156.00')) ('Product COAXA', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('4860.00')) ('Product COAXA', 'All years', Decimal('31'), Decimal('24307.20')) ('Product CPHFY', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('100.80')) ('Product CPHFY', '2007', Decimal('9'), Decimal('4338.60')) ('Product CPHFY', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2793.00')) ('Product CPHFY', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('7232.40')) ('Product EPEIM', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2193.00')) ('Product EPEIM', '2007', Decimal('2'), Decimal('405.65')) ('Product EPEIM', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3202.50')) ('Product EPEIM', 'All years', Decimal('10'), Decimal('5801.15')) ('Product EVFFA', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('603.20')) ('Product EVFFA', '2007', Decimal('2'), Decimal('676.00')) ('Product EVFFA', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('1768.00')) ('Product EVFFA', 'All years', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3047.20')) ('Product EZZPR', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('121.60')) ('Product EZZPR', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('3192.00')) ('Product EZZPR', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1045.00')) ('Product EZZPR', 'All years', Decimal('21'), Decimal('4358.60')) ('Product FPYPN', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1920.00')) ('Product FPYPN', '2007', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3240.00')) ('Product FPYPN', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4340.00')) ('Product FPYPN', 'All years', Decimal('21'), Decimal('9500.00')) ('Product GEEOO', '2006', Decimal('13'), Decimal('7263.00')) ('Product GEEOO', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('11759.40')) ('Product GEEOO', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('6716.40')) ('Product GEEOO', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('25738.80')) ('Product GMKIJ', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2933.60')) ('Product GMKIJ', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('7163.00')) ('Product GMKIJ', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4446.00')) ('Product GMKIJ', 'All years', Decimal('31'), Decimal('14542.60')) ('Product HCQDE', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3298.40')) ('Product HCQDE', '2007', Decimal('14'), Decimal('8571.85')) ('Product HCQDE', '2008', Decimal('12'), Decimal('11138.75')) ('Product HCQDE', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('23009.00')) ('Product HHYDP', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1800.00')) ('Product HHYDP', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('5295.60')) ('Product HHYDP', '2008', Decimal('16'), Decimal('7182.00')) ('Product HHYDP', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('14277.60')) ('Product HLGZA', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3984.00')) ('Product HLGZA', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('10961.37')) ('Product HLGZA', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('6589.53')) ('Product HLGZA', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('21534.90')) ('Product HMLNI', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('600.00')) ('Product HMLNI', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('9444.00')) ('Product HMLNI', '2008', Decimal('17'), Decimal('12420.00')) ('Product HMLNI', 'All years', Decimal('29'), Decimal('22464.00')) ('Product ICKNK', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('3825.90')) ('Product ICKNK', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('7417.10')) ('Product ICKNK', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('6453.30')) ('Product ICKNK', 'All years', Decimal('17'), Decimal('17696.30')) ('Product IMEHJ', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('240.00')) ('Product IMEHJ', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('1760.00')) ('Product IMEHJ', '2008', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1080.00')) ('Product IMEHJ', 'All years', Decimal('12'), Decimal('3080.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', '2006', Decimal('3'), Decimal('756.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('2392.20')) ('Product JLUDZ', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('1692.00')) ('Product JLUDZ', 'All years', Decimal('20'), Decimal('4840.20')) ('Product JYGFE', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2102.40')) ('Product JYGFE', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('7707.60')) ('Product JYGFE', '2008', Decimal('13'), Decimal('6984.00')) ('Product JYGFE', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('16794.00')) ('Product KSBRM', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1883.20')) ('Product KSBRM', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('5737.60')) ('Product KSBRM', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1804.00')) ('Product KSBRM', 'All years', Decimal('20'), Decimal('9424.80')) ('Product KSZOI', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('310.00')) ('Product KSZOI', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('1503.50')) ('Product KSZOI', 'All years', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1813.50')) ('Product LQMGN', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('408.00')) ('Product LQMGN', '2007', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3094.00')) ('Product LQMGN', '2008', Decimal('1'), Decimal('17.00')) ('Product LQMGN', 'All years', Decimal('8'), Decimal('3519.00')) ('Product LSOFL', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('3830.40')) ('Product LSOFL', '2007', Decimal('13'), Decimal('4928.40')) ('Product LSOFL', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('4392.00')) ('Product LSOFL', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('13150.80')) ('Product LUNZZ', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('655.20')) ('Product LUNZZ', '2007', Decimal('17'), Decimal('5181.80')) ('Product LUNZZ', '2008', Decimal('15'), Decimal('3848.00')) ('Product LUNZZ', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('9685.00')) ('Product LYERX', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('3146.40')) ('Product LYERX', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('6554.70')) ('Product LYERX', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('5074.44')) ('Product LYERX', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('14775.54')) ('Product LYLNI', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('795.20')) ('Product LYLNI', '2007', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1926.40')) ('Product LYLNI', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('1330.00')) ('Product LYLNI', 'All years', Decimal('18'), Decimal('4051.60')) ('Product MYMOI', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('4489.20')) ('Product MYMOI', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('9034.30')) ('Product MYMOI', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('7353.00')) ('Product MYMOI', 'All years', Decimal('42'), Decimal('20876.50')) ('Product MYNXN', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1440.75')) ('Product MYNXN', '2008', Decimal('1'), Decimal('102.00')) ('Product MYNXN', 'All years', Decimal('6'), Decimal('1542.75')) ('Product NEVTJ', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('3945.60')) ('Product NEVTJ', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('5857.20')) ('Product NEVTJ', '2008', Decimal('13'), Decimal('4734.00')) ('Product NEVTJ', 'All years', Decimal('36'), Decimal('14536.80')) ('Product NUNAW', '2006', Decimal('3'), Decimal('1331.20')) ('Product NUNAW', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('3136.00')) ('Product NUNAW', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('4704.00')) ('Product NUNAW', 'All years', Decimal('15'), Decimal('9171.20')) ('Product OFBNT', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4914.00')) ('Product OFBNT', '2007', Decimal('17'), Decimal('14610.00')) ('Product OFBNT', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('7341.60')) ('Product OFBNT', 'All years', Decimal('33'), Decimal('26865.60')) ('Product OSFNS', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('364.80')) ('Product OSFNS', '2007', Decimal('7'), Decimal('8854.00')) ('Product OSFNS', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3648.00')) ('Product OSFNS', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('12866.80')) ('Product OVLQI', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('2074.80')) ('Product OVLQI', '2007', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2281.50')) ('Product OVLQI', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3451.50')) ('Product OVLQI', 'All years', Decimal('23'), Decimal('7807.80')) ('Product PAFRH', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('3502.80')) ('Product PAFRH', '2007', Decimal('22'), Decimal('9399.50')) ('Product PAFRH', '2008', Decimal('14'), Decimal('5845.75')) ('Product PAFRH', 'All years', Decimal('43'), Decimal('18748.05')) ('Product POXFU', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('432.00')) ('Product POXFU', '2007', Decimal('11'), Decimal('848.40')) ('Product POXFU', '2008', Decimal('23'), Decimal('3954.00')) ('Product POXFU', 'All years', Decimal('40'), Decimal('5234.40')) ('Product PWCJB', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1581.00')) ('Product PWCJB', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('6561.15')) ('Product PWCJB', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('488.25')) ('Product PWCJB', 'All years', Decimal('22'), Decimal('8630.40')) ('Product QAQRL', '2006', Decimal('9'), Decimal('908.60')) ('Product QAQRL', '2007', Decimal('22'), Decimal('3415.25')) ('Product QAQRL', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('797.15')) ('Product QAQRL', 'All years', Decimal('36'), Decimal('5121.00')) ('Product QDOMO', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('29512.00')) ('Product QDOMO', '2007', Decimal('10'), Decimal('51962.20')) ('Product QDOMO', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('68510.00')) ('Product QDOMO', 'All years', Decimal('24'), Decimal('149984.20')) ('Product QHFFP', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('6868.80')) ('Product QHFFP', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('7776.00')) ('Product QHFFP', '2008', Decimal('7'), Decimal('8991.00')) ('Product QHFFP', 'All years', Decimal('16'), Decimal('23635.80')) ('Product QMVUN', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1814.40')) ('Product QMVUN', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('7425.60')) ('Product QMVUN', '2008', Decimal('12'), Decimal('4662.00')) ('Product QMVUN', 'All years', Decimal('38'), Decimal('13902.00')) ('Product QOGNU', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('568.80')) ('Product QOGNU', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('1756.80')) ('Product QOGNU', '2008', Decimal('21'), Decimal('2457.00')) ('Product QOGNU', 'All years', Decimal('51'), Decimal('4782.60')) ('Product QSRXF', '2006', Decimal('3'), Decimal('268.80')) ('Product QSRXF', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('2142.00')) ('Product QSRXF', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('973.00')) ('Product QSRXF', 'All years', Decimal('29'), Decimal('3383.80')) ('Product RECZE', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('3435.20')) ('Product RECZE', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('7600.00')) ('Product RECZE', '2008', Decimal('18'), Decimal('7524.00')) ('Product RECZE', 'All years', Decimal('44'), Decimal('18559.20')) ('Product RJVNM', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('400.40')) ('Product RJVNM', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('6006.00')) ('Product RJVNM', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('2926.00')) ('Product RJVNM', 'All years', Decimal('30'), Decimal('9332.40')) ('Product SMIOH', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('1404.00')) ('Product SMIOH', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('10974.00')) ('Product SMIOH', '2008', Decimal('3'), Decimal('2853.50')) ('Product SMIOH', 'All years', Decimal('9'), Decimal('15231.50')) ('Product SWNJY', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1008.00')) ('Product SWNJY', '2007', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2240.00')) ('Product SWNJY', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('3430.00')) ('Product SWNJY', 'All years', Decimal('19'), Decimal('6678.00')) ('Product TBTBL', '2006', Decimal('9'), Decimal('1330.00')) ('Product TBTBL', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('4520.00')) ('Product TBTBL', '2008', Decimal('9'), Decimal('3512.50')) ('Product TBTBL', 'All years', Decimal('34'), Decimal('9362.50')) ('Product TOONT', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('1872.00')) ('Product TOONT', '2007', Decimal('17'), Decimal('5880.00')) ('Product TOONT', '2008', Decimal('15'), Decimal('3720.00')) ('Product TOONT', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('11472.00')) ('Product TTEEX', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('877.80')) ('Product TTEEX', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('5151.60')) ('Product TTEEX', '2008', Decimal('18'), Decimal('3068.70')) ('Product TTEEX', 'All years', Decimal('47'), Decimal('9098.10')) ('Product UKXRI', '2006', Decimal('10'), Decimal('10164.00')) ('Product UKXRI', '2007', Decimal('31'), Decimal('37917.00')) ('Product UKXRI', '2008', Decimal('13'), Decimal('28215.00')) ('Product UKXRI', 'All years', Decimal('54'), Decimal('76296.00')) ('Product VAIIV', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('720.00')) ('Product VAIIV', '2007', Decimal('2'), Decimal('2500.00')) ('Product VAIIV', '2008', Decimal('8'), Decimal('4125.00')) ('Product VAIIV', 'All years', Decimal('12'), Decimal('7345.00')) ('Product VJIEO', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2139.00')) ('Product VJIEO', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('7082.05')) ('Product VJIEO', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1303.15')) ('Product VJIEO', 'All years', Decimal('24'), Decimal('10524.20')) ('Product VJXYN', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('12177.00')) ('Product VJXYN', '2007', Decimal('15'), Decimal('36194.18')) ('Product VJXYN', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('39365.22')) ('Product VJXYN', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('87736.40')) ('Product VJZZH', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('440.00')) ('Product VJZZH', '2007', Decimal('23'), Decimal('5686.00')) ('Product VJZZH', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('3510.00')) ('Product VJZZH', 'All years', Decimal('39'), Decimal('9636.00')) ('Product VKCMF', '2006', Decimal('7'), Decimal('2918.40')) ('Product VKCMF', '2007', Decimal('33'), Decimal('34754.80')) ('Product VKCMF', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('7448.00')) ('Product VKCMF', 'All years', Decimal('50'), Decimal('45121.20')) ('Product WEUJZ', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('300.00')) ('Product WEUJZ', '2007', Decimal('11'), Decimal('3720.00')) ('Product WEUJZ', '2008', Decimal('2'), Decimal('180.00')) ('Product WEUJZ', 'All years', Decimal('14'), Decimal('4200.00')) ('Product WHBYK', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('10064.00')) ('Product WHBYK', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('21794.00')) ('Product WHBYK', '2008', Decimal('19'), Decimal('18428.00')) ('Product WHBYK', 'All years', Decimal('51'), Decimal('50286.00')) ('Product WUXYK', '2006', Decimal('11'), Decimal('9850.00')) ('Product WUXYK', '2007', Decimal('22'), Decimal('22673.60')) ('Product WUXYK', '2008', Decimal('15'), Decimal('17304.30')) ('Product WUXYK', 'All years', Decimal('48'), Decimal('49827.90')) ('Product WVJFP', '2006', Decimal('2'), Decimal('4480.00')) ('Product WVJFP', '2007', Decimal('5'), Decimal('4560.00')) ('Product WVJFP', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('4720.00')) ('Product WVJFP', 'All years', Decimal('13'), Decimal('13760.00')) ('Product XKXDO', '2006', Decimal('5'), Decimal('905.20')) ('Product XKXDO', '2007', Decimal('21'), Decimal('3211.90')) ('Product XKXDO', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('2042.40')) ('Product XKXDO', 'All years', Decimal('37'), Decimal('6159.50')) ('Product XLXQF', '2006', Decimal('1'), Decimal('56.00')) ('Product XLXQF', '2007', Decimal('4'), Decimal('910.00')) ('Product XLXQF', '2008', Decimal('5'), Decimal('1596.00')) ('Product XLXQF', 'All years', Decimal('10'), Decimal('2562.00')) ('Product XWOXC', '2006', Decimal('13'), Decimal('4440.00')) ('Product XWOXC', '2007', Decimal('26'), Decimal('8020.00')) ('Product XWOXC', '2008', Decimal('12'), Decimal('3712.50')) ('Product XWOXC', 'All years', Decimal('51'), Decimal('16172.50')) ('Product XYWBZ', '2006', Decimal('8'), Decimal('2604.00')) ('Product XYWBZ', '2007', Decimal('18'), Decimal('9898.00')) ('Product XYWBZ', '2008', Decimal('6'), Decimal('2105.00')) ('Product XYWBZ', 'All years', Decimal('32'), Decimal('14607.00')) ('Product XYZPE', '2007', Decimal('13'), Decimal('10539.30')) ('Product XYZPE', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('5899.50')) ('Product XYZPE', 'All years', Decimal('24'), Decimal('16438.80')) ('Product YHXGE', '2006', Decimal('4'), Decimal('2108.00')) ('Product YHXGE', '2007', Decimal('19'), Decimal('10391.20')) ('Product YHXGE', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('9641.00')) ('Product YHXGE', 'All years', Decimal('33'), Decimal('22140.20')) ('Product YYWRT', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('4377.60')) ('Product YYWRT', '2007', Decimal('16'), Decimal('8990.40')) ('Product YYWRT', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('6144.00')) ('Product YYWRT', 'All years', Decimal('33'), Decimal('19512.00')) ('Product YZIXQ', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('2998.80')) ('Product YZIXQ', '2007', Decimal('25'), Decimal('10474.30')) ('Product YZIXQ', '2008', Decimal('10'), Decimal('5575.20')) ('Product YZIXQ', 'All years', Decimal('41'), Decimal('19048.30')) ('Product ZZZHR', '2006', Decimal('6'), Decimal('5004.80')) ('Product ZZZHR', '2007', Decimal('11'), Decimal('11518.40')) ('Product ZZZHR', '2008', Decimal('11'), Decimal('8556.00')) ('Product ZZZHR', 'All years', Decimal('28'), Decimal('25079.20')) ('All products', 'All years', Decimal('2155'), Decimal('1354458.59')) Size: 305 | |||
Passed | test/sql_files/ | 0.01 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL FILE (sample.sql) QUERY: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ExampleTable; SQL FILE (sample.sql) QUERY: USE Northwind; SQL FILE (sample.sql) QUERY: CREATE TABLE ExampleTable ( exId INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL ,exName VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL ,exDescription TEXT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (exId) ) ENGINE=INNODB; SQL FILE (sample.sql) QUERY: INSERT INTO ExampleTable(exId, exName, exDescription) VALUES(1, 'TestName', 'TestDescription'); SQL query: SELECT * FROM ExampleTable ('exId', 'exName', 'exDescription') (1, 'TestName', b'TestDescription') Size: 1 | |||
Passed | test/sql_files/ | 0.00 | |
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ SQL FILE (sample_error_syntax.sql) QUERY: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ExampleTable; SQL FILE (sample_error_syntax.sql) QUERY: USE NorthwindCREATE TABLE ExampleTable ( exId INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL ,exName VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL ,exDescription TEXT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (exId) ) ENGINE=INNODBINSERT INTO ExampleTable(exId, exName, exDescription) VALUES(1, 'TestName', 'TestDescription'); ----------------------------Captured stdout teardown---------------------------- SQL query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ExampleTable () NO DATA Size: 0 |